Allstate Insurance Claims

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Allstate Insurance Claims in South Florida

Allstate Auto Insurance was established in 1931, and since then, they have gained stature as the second largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company in the United States. They underwrite $21.4 billion in auto insurance premiums ranking them fourth in the U.S. auto insurance sector. Insurance companies, however, often become successful by assiduously utilizing cost-containment strategies that make it difficult for clients to obtain full settlements.

If you are filing an Allstate Insurance claim after a Miami car accident, it would be beneficial to hire an experienced personal injury attorney. Legal representation can protect help protect your interests in the tumultuous days following a bad car accident. Call 1-800-Injured today to discuss all of your legal options with a qualified car accident lawyer from our referral network.

Florida Is a “No-Fault” State

Florida is a “No-Fault” insurance state, which means that individuals will receive payment for some of their accident damages from their auto insurance provider, regardless of fault. By law, drivers have to purchase full liability car insurance with a minimum of $10K in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. These PIP benefits will cover a portion of your medical bills and lost wages.

Allstate Insurance Claims

To file a claim with Allstate Insurance after a crash, you can call the 24/7 claims hotline at 1-800-255-7828. However, if you want to ensure that you get the most for your case, you should review your options with a personal injury attorney who regularly deals with Allstate claims.

Allstate’s Colossus System

Allstate uses a software system called Colossus to analyze insurance claims. This software has a massive database with thousands of past auto claims and their outcomes. Insurance adjusters input specific data, and Colossus creates a value range for the request.

While the system seems straightforward, it has certain aspects that may inadvertently reduce the settlement amount offered. Adjusters enter injury codes documented in medical records and treated by doctors into Colossus. If you have an injury that does not appear in the files, it may not be included.

Moreover, Colossus may base compensation for your medical bills on reduced amounts that they determined to be the usual charge for similar medical care in your area. If there’s a discrepancy, it may require the authoritative eye of an attorney to detect it.

Don’t Forget About Fault

Lastly, Colossus does not analyze fault. It determines the estimated value range for your settlement by assuming liability and only assessing the damages. After that, an adjuster may reduce the suggested amount if they discover you to be partially responsible for the car accident.

In order to make sure that all of your injuries are included, and therefore calculated in the Colossus system, you will need to go through every single line and detail to ensure that this is the case. Technologies like Colossus can certainly make some processes easier, but they can also complicate matters that can be easily overlooked if not checked by a qualified and experienced legal professional.

Comparative fault laws in Florida dictate that a victim is entitled to a settlement that accounts for their own degree of fault, meaning that the final amount may be reduced if you are found to have been partially responsible. Your attorney will need to fight to make sure that if you do accept any responsibility, that it is no more than you truly contributed, and therefore you receive the money that you deserve.

How To File A Claim With Allstate Insurance

To file a claim with Allstate Insurance after a crash, you can call the 24/7 claims hotline at 1-800-255-7828. The filing process is fairly straightforward, and many people report that the actual claim investigation process is easy as well. However, if you want to ensure that you get the most for your case, you should review your options with a personal injury attorney who regularly deals with Allstate claims.

Types of Allstate Auto Insurance Claims

In the aftermath of a crash, the last thing you need to worry about is whether your insurance policy provides the coverage you need. For example, if your car gets vandalized and you only have liability coverage, you won’t see a cent. On the other hand, a comprehensive coverage policy covers all the bases. So, if you don’t want to be shortchanged, you need to learn about all the coverage types Allstate offers before making a decision.

Collision coverage

As the name suggests, Allstate’s collision coverage is all about your car’s repair or replacement if it gets damaged in an accident with another vehicle or object. Think of it as a giant safety net for your car. If you commute daily or have a newer vehicle, this is a must-have.

This policy can give you a lot of peace of mind, especially if you live in South Florida where traffic tends to be intense. The region is known for its high accident rates; Miami-Dade County alone has reported over 25,674 automobile crashes in 2023 so far. Slippery roads due to heavy rains and the constant parade of tourists who are unfamiliar with local roads, add another layer of unpredictability and increase the risk of auto accidents and injuries.

With these odds, the question is not if you will need collision coverage, but when. Also, the average car repair cost after an accident can range from $500 to $10,000, and without collision coverage, that’s coming straight out of your pocket.

Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive coverage takes care of your vehicle in different situations, like vandalism, theft, or natural disasters. If you live in a place that’s known for hurricanes, flooding, and other extreme weather events – like Miami, Key West, Fort Lauderdale, and Naples – this coverage is highly recommended.

It is also recommended if your area has a high crime rate. Florida consistently ranks in the top 4 states for the number of reported vehicle thefts. The state is also home to all sorts of wildlife. Hitting a deer can wreak havoc on the hood, front bumper, and grille of your car, and it can cost thousands of dollars to get them fixed.

We are not trying to scare you, just making the point that skimping on comprehensive coverage could be a gamble you regret one day. Allstate’s comprehensive insurance covers everything from natural disasters and damage caused by animals to criminal damage and more.

Liability coverage

What do you do when you get into an accident – and even though the other driver was mostly at fault, you are still found partially liable? That’s what liability coverage is for. Due to Florida’s “comparative fault” system, liability insurance is a legal requirement. It covers the costs if you are responsible for injuring someone or damaging their property. It will pay for their medical expenses, lost wages, funeral expenses, and even your legal fees if you hire a lawyer.

If you are a driver, you need this, no exceptions. Think of it as your protection against lawsuits and claims. In a place like Miami, where the cost of living is high, medical expenses and property damage can quickly escalate. If you are underinsured, you could be on the hook for these costs, putting your assets like your home or savings at risk. So, while the state minimum is $10,000 for personal injury and property damage each, consider choosing higher limits for your financial protection.

Medical payments coverage

If you or your passengers get hurt in a crash, Allstate’s medical payments plan will cover all your medical bills. It kicks in whether you caused the accident or were a victim of another driver’s negligence.

If you have health insurance, it only covers YOU, and not your family member or the friendly neighbor who was also riding with you in the car when it was rear-ended. The medical payments coverage will pay for their (and your) ambulance rides, hospital visits and stays, x-rays, surgery, prostheses, and more, no questions asked. 

Uninsured & underinsured motorist coverage

Considering one out of every eight drivers in the U.S. is uninsured, uninsured & underinsured motorist coverage is a no-brainer. This coverage protects you if you are in an accident and the other driver is at fault but doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough to cover your expenses.

In addition to helping with the medical bills if you get hurt, this plan also pays for any repairs if your vehicle is damaged. It’s a well-rounded insurance plan that fills in the gaps where other coverages may fall short.

Roadside coverage

Flat tire? Dead battery? Roadside coverage has you covered for these common issues. If you often drive long distances, perhaps to visit family in Orlando or for weekend getaways to the Keys, this coverage becomes even more valuable. Losing your keys or running out of gas can happen to anyone, and the costs to resolve these issues can add up quickly. It’s also a smart option for older cars that might be more prone to breaking down seemingly out of nowhere.

The average cost of a tow can be up to $100; Allstate’s roadside coverage can save you that expense. Apart from towing, it also includes services like jump-starts, fuel delivery, lockouts, and tire changes.

Personal injury protection (PIP)

In Florida, PIP is mandatory. It covers your medical bills and lost wages after an accident, regardless of who’s at fault. If you are a freelancer or a gig worker, and your job doesn’t offer paid sick leave, no work means no pay. Personal injury protection (PIP) coverage ensures you are not losing income while you are recovering.

That’s not all: PIP can also help with costs that you might not think of right away, such as child-care expenses. If you are injured and can’t take care of your kids, PIP will pay for the babysitter or daycare center. It can even help with funeral expenses in the worst-case scenario.

Even if you have a solid health plan, you will still need to shell out for deductibles and copays. PIP can cover those extra costs, and make your recovery less stressful financially.

Personal umbrella policy

A personal umbrella policy (PUP) is an extra layer of liability coverage for situations when your regular insurance maxes out. For example, suppose you hit someone with your car and they sue you for $1 million. Your auto insurance only covers up to $250,000. A PUP policy will help you pay for the rest.

And it not only covers car accidents, but a wide range of nightmare scenarios. Maybe a guest slips near your pool and needs surgery, or your dog bites someone. Even a bad online review could lead to a lawsuit. A PUP can help in all these cases. It covers medical costs, property damage, and legal issues like defamation. Even when you are out of the country, your PUP coverage will protect you!

If you own a home or have assets you want to protect, a personal umbrella policy is obviously a wise move. But if you are a tenant, it’s even more important because a) now owning a home won’t stop someone who wants to sue you, and b) the PUP will prevent your income from being garnished in case you are forced to pay for damages. Regardless of the reason why you are sued, Allstate’s PUP policy can cover your legal fees.

Rental reimbursement coverage

When your car is in the shop after an accident, you still need to get around. Rental reimbursement coverage pays for a rental car, so you are not stuck paying out of pocket or relying on public transport. Think about it: the average cost of a rental car can be around $50 per day. Multiply that by a week, and you are looking at $350 at the very least. That’s money you could use elsewhere.

This is an optional coverage, but if your vehicle is important for work or family commitments, it’s worth considering. It will keep your life moving when your car or truck cannot. With Allstate, you can add this coverage at any time, and it is not that expensive.  

If you are still not sure what’s the best plan for you, it is prudent to connect with lawyers who have knowledge of Florida’s insurance laws and know the ins and outs of Allstate’s policies. For instance, since Florida is a “no-fault” state, there are certain rules that apply to insurance claims that you might not know about. A lawyer can help you understand these rules so you are not caught off guard.

You can benefit from professional advice that helps you figure out what each type of insurance covers and why it matters to you. A lawyer can also guide you through the claims process, should you ever need to file one. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service that connects injury victims with lawyers. Give 1-800-Injured a call to schedule a free consultation.


How long will my claim with Allstate take?

As you can imagine, every claim is unique, meaning that the amount of time that each claim takes to be resolved depends on a range of factors. When you are working with an attorney, they will be able to provide all of the necessary documentation and information in a timely manner in order to facilitate a speedy claim.

How much will I get for a settlement?

As with the length of time that your claim will take, the amount that you are entitled to as a victim is highly subjective to many different details, including (but not limited to) your medical bills, your income, impacts to your earning capacity, and the severity of your emotional and physiological injuries. Your attorney will help you understand what you deserve, and will fight to help you get it.

Should I hire an attorney before I file a claim with Allstate Insurance?

The sooner you hire a lawyer, the higher the chances of a positive outcome to your case will be. When you have the support of an experienced attorney throughout your entire claim process, they will be able to ensure that each statement, document, and piece of information submitted is done with the intention of getting you the settlement amount that you deserve. When you are working alone, there are many opportunities to make seemingly-innocent statements that could seriously impact your chances of a fair settlement.

CALL 1-800-Injured TODAY!

It is essential that you understand that one of the adjuster’s responsibilities is to reduce the amount of insurance settlements that Allstate pays out. If you fail to provide the right documentation, Colossus could possibly generate a lower settlement range, and your claim value may suffer. Protect yourself with an experienced personal injury attorney. Allstate has legal representation and so should you.

If you need help filing an Allstate insurance claim after a Miami car accident, 1-800-Injured can connect you with an experienced personal injury attorney. We are an attorney and medical referral service that helps South Florida drivers get in touch with the professionals they need after a crash. Call us toll-free at 1-800-Injured to get started on your case today.