Parking Lot Accidents Lawyer

Driving in a parking lot can be a stressful activity, as many of us who drive already know. How many times have you been looking for a spot only to have a loose cart roll across your path? Or a car reverses into your lane without warning, someone speeds across the lot to take an open space with complete disregard for the safety of those around them. 

Parking lots are a hotbed for car accidents. While many of these collisions occur at low speed and are considered “fender benders,” even a minor crash can lead to significant injuries that have long-term impacts on a victim’s ability to earn a living and enjoy a pain-free life. 

Parking lot accidents can be some of the most dangerous simply because they occur in such a compact and small area, making the chance for impact so much greater than when other types of collisions take place. When you partner with an attorney after a minor accident, it is possible to seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit that may cover your damages, including:

·        Current and future medical expenses

·        Lost wages and benefits

·        Pain and suffering 

What To Do After a Parking Lot Accident

After a parking lot accident, many people are self-conscious about reporting any injuries due to the seemingly minor nature of the accident. But the reality is that nobody should be responsible for the repercussions of someone else’s dangerous behavior. It can be tricky to make sense of these types of accidents, given how minor they may appear at first glance. An insurance adjuster is likely to have little care while working with the claimant, trying to speed through the process, and issue a quick settlement payment. 

Connecting with an attorney is an important step, one that we encourage you to take before even initiating your claim so that a professional can take control of your case from day one.

Contact 1-800-Injured To Connect With a Parking Lot Accident Attorney Today

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. After any type of car accident that leads to injuries, it can be difficult to think about taking on even more responsibility. You might have to reach out to countless law firms, request free consultations, and hope to hear back from an attorney who is available and willing to take your case. Instead of going through this process, you can stay focused on your recovery and moving forward from your accident as we schedule a free consultation on your behalf. 

A free consultation with a personal injury attorney is an excellent opportunity to learn more about what your rights as a victim are in a parking lot accident. It is also a chance to discuss your injuries, the effects they have had on you to this point, and to learn about how the attorney has handled other cases similar to your own. 

Initiating an insurance claim is a fairly simple process, which is why countless victims make the mistake of filing a claim without the help of a lawyer. Get a better idea below of why an attorney is such an essential partner as you seek fair compensation through an insurance claim after a parking lot accident. Contact us as soon as possible to connect with a lawyer in your area today.

Common Injuries From Parking Lot Accidents

The following are just a few of the most common types of injuries in a parking lot accident, but whether or not you see your issues listed below, simply contact us today, and we will connect you with a lawyer for a free consultation. 


One of the most common injuries people sustain in a simple parking lot accident is whiplash, which occurs when your neck muscles are forced to rotate unnaturally. The injury can be incredibly painful and may take weeks or months to heal, leading to long-term issues affecting your ability to work or enjoy life.

Fractures and Broken Bones

While not as common as whiplash, fractures and broken bones can occur in a parking lot accident if the impact is severe enough. If you sustained any bone fractures or breaks due to an accident, immediate medical attention is necessary. 

Lacerations, Abrasions, and Cuts

Even minor contact with another car can lead to lacerations, abrasions, or cuts on the skin. Many of these injuries are minor, but more serious effects of a parking lot accident may include scarring or disfigurement.

Bruises and Soft Tissue Damage

Another common injury in a parking lot accident is soft tissue damage, including bruised muscles and ligaments, strained tendons, or torn cartilage. These injuries can also take time to heal, even with proper treatment plans.

Seatbelt Injuries

Seatbelt injuries are common in car accidents, and the worst seatbelt injury occurs when your body is thrown forward into the belt itself. Fractures can occur, along with cuts or bruising that leave permanent marks.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

If your head made contact with the steering wheel, dashboard, or another object in a parking lot accident, you might have suffered a traumatic brain injury. TBIs are often very serious and can lead to issues that change your life forever if not properly taken care of.

Partner With an Attorney After a Minor Accident

Many people believe that they should only work with a lawyer if they have been in a major crash like a rollover, drunk driving accident, or another collision that leads to catastrophic injuries. Even a fender bender deserves a close look by an experienced professional to determine the nature of your damages and get a sense of how much money you deserve. 

When you work with an attorney after a parking lot accident, it is possible to get the compensation that you deserve for your pain and suffering and other damages. Whether it is your medical expenses or lost wages due to time missed from work due to injuries, the true value of your claim is something that a personal injury attorney can determine by carefully examining all of the facts of your accident.