Roundabout Car Accidents


A traffic roundabout is a type of circle junction in which traffic flows almost continuously in one direction around a central island. Traffic enters the roundabout and then takes any exit rather than turning across oncoming traffic. Roundabouts encourage drivers to slow down as they approach the junction and make sure that it is safe to proceed before entering.

However, despite their many benefits, traffic roundabouts can also be the site of serious car accidents. In fact, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, roundabouts are associated with a significantly lower risk of injury than traditional intersections. However, they are still more likely than other types of intersections to result in property damage only accidents.

How Do Accidents Happen at Roundabouts?

There are several reasons why car accidents may occur at traffic roundabouts. First, drivers may not yield to pedestrians or bicyclists who have the right of way. Second, drivers may enter the roundabout without yielding to oncoming traffic. Third, drivers may fail to yield to traffic already in the roundabout. Finally, drivers may misjudge their speed and collide with another vehicle.

Failure to Yield at a Rotary

One of the most common causes of accidents at rotaries is failure to yield. Drivers may fail to yield to oncoming traffic when entering the rotary, or they may fail to yield to pedestrians or bicyclists who have the right of way.

In some cases, drivers may be unfamiliar with the rules of rotaries and mistakenly believe that they have the right of way. This can lead to serious accidents, especially if the driver is going fast.

Misjudging Speeds While Approaching a Rotary

Another common cause of car accidents at roundabouts is misjudging the speed of oncoming traffic. As drivers approach a rotary, they may fail to slow down or stop in time and collide with another vehicle.

In addition, drivers who are not familiar with how roundabouts work may have difficulty judging their speed when entering the rotary and accidentally hit an oncoming car.

Avoiding Accidents at Roundabouts

You can take several steps to reduce the risk of accidents at roundabouts, but the unfortunate reality is that you can’t control how other drivers share the road with you. Follow these steps to improve your safety, and hire an attorney if you are in an accident that someone else caused.

Some roundabout safety tips include:

  • Drive slowly around the circular roadway
  • Always yield to pedestrians and bicyclists crossing through the intersection
  • Yield to traffic that is already in the roundabout before entering
  • Pay attention to other vehicles as you enter a roundabout
  • Signal your intention to exit the roundabout in advance
  • Use caution when exiting a roundabout, especially if you are turning right
  • Be familiar with the rotary traffic laws in your state

If you are involved in an accident at a roundabout, it is important to seek medical attention and contact an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney can help you investigate the accident and determine who is liable for your injuries.

What To Do If You Are In an Accident At a Roundabout

If you are involved in an accident at a roundabout, it is important to take the following steps:

Assess Your Condition

Take a moment to collect your thoughts, scan your body, and check in with anyone else in your vehicle to determine what injuries were caused by the crash. Remember that your health is your top priority — don’t let anyone make you feel self-conscious about taking your time or being methodical while dealing with the accident’s aftermath.

Call 911

Call 911 immediately, so police and EMTs are dispatched to the accident scene. This is especially important if anyone is injured, but it is a good idea regardless. There is nothing more frustrating than to be involved with a driver who then changes their side of the story after the fact because there was no official accident report.

Get Medical Care

Get medical attention right away, even if you do not appear to be injured. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, but they can worsen with time. If you are dealing with adrenaline and shock, you may not feel the full extent of your injuries right away.

Collect Evidence and Documentation

Take pictures of the accident scene, your injuries, and any damage to your vehicle. Keep track of all medical treatment and expenses related to the accident. This includes doctor’s visits, prescription medications, physical therapy, and other costs in the days, weeks, and months following the crash. Get contact information from any eyewitnesses who can help corroborate your story as you go through the insurance claims process.

Hire an Attorney

Do not give a statement to the other driver’s insurance company without speaking to an attorney first. Insurance adjusters are trained to minimize the amount of money they pay out on claims, and anything you say could be used against you later on. An attorney can help you investigate the accident, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

Common Roundabout Accident Injuries

Some common car accident injuries include:


Whiplash is a soft tissue injury to the neck and occurs when the head is suddenly jerked forward and then backward. Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.


Fractures are broken bones and can occur in any part of the body. However, common areas for fractures in car accidents are the ribs, collarbone, arms, and legs.

Organ Damage

Organ damage can occur when there is a direct blow to the chest or abdomen. This type of injury can be very serious and even life-threatening but may not be visible.

Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding is when there is bleeding inside the body, meaning that you will not be able to see it as an external laceration. This type of injury can be very serious and requires immediate medical care to stop the bleeding.


Concussions occur when the brain hits the skull. Symptoms of concussions include headaches, blurred vision, and memory loss which could possibly lead to post-concussion syndrome, which carries symptoms that can include things like changes in personality, violent outbursts, and chronic depression.

While any type of car accident can cause injuries, those that occur at roundabouts tend to be more serious due to the high speeds involved. To reduce your risk of injury in a roundabout car accident, always follow posted speed limits and wear your seatbelt at all times. If you have already been injured in a roundabout car accident, it is important to seek medical treatment right away and contact a personal injury lawyer so they can advise on how best to proceed with your case.

Contact 1-800-Injured To Connect With a Personal Injury Attorney About Your Roundabout Accident.

Do you have any questions about common car accident injuries? If so, contact us as soon as possible to request a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer.

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. Instead of trying to find your own lawyer following a car accident at a roundabout, we will connect you with a lawyer for a free consultation where you can discuss the specifics of your accident and learn all about how the lawyer can help you through this process as you fight for the money you deserve.