Head-On Collision Accident Lawyers

Head-On Car Collision

Any accident can cause serious — even fatal — injuries, but a head-on collision has the potential to cause the most damage due to the substantial increase in the force of impact as two vehicles collide while traveling directly at each other. Modern vehicles have countless safety features to help reduce the impact of these types of crashes, but even so, the risk of catastrophic injuries is substantial. 

A head-on collision, also referred to as a frontal collision, is characterized by either two vehicles moving in opposite directions crossing into the same path and colliding, or a single vehicle driving directly into a stationary object like a utility pole, parked vehicle, or tree. In a head-on collision between two vehicles, it is common for one vehicle to cross over the center line into the oncoming lane of travel. Whether caused by distractions, intoxication, speed, mechanical failure, or something else, most often, the driver that crosses into the other lane is the one who is at fault for the crash, and therefore liable for the many damages the victims will likely suffer.

Find a Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyer With Ease

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. We make it easy to find a lawyer in your area who is ready to take your case so you can stay focused on your many personal needs such as medical care, personal time, and healing. Once you contact us, we will connect you with an auto accident attorney for a free consultation where you will have the opportunity to discuss your accident in detail, including the injuries you have suffered and the impacts that the accident has had on your life up to this point. 

Once the lawyer has a clear understanding of the situation, they will be able to help you understand the type of support they can provide you, as well as examples of other cases they have successfully handled that are similar to your own. Simply knowing that an experienced, dedicated professional is willing to fight for your rights can be a tremendous relief and can give you the emotional space you need to stay focused on your recovery without taking on additional anxiety about your future. 

Common Causes of Head-On Collisions

The following are just a few of the many possible ways a vehicle can depart from its lane of travel and collide head-first with another object such as another vehicle, a rock, tree, or building. Whether or not you see the specific cause of your accident below, keep in mind that no two accidents are alike regardless of how many standard details they share, so the best way to get a clear sense of your legal options is to connect directly with a lawyer who can help you make sense of it all. 


When someone makes the reckless decision to get behind the wheel after consuming mind-altering substances like alcohol or other drugs, they put themselves and everyone else on the road at risk of a severe accident. Alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, and many other common intoxicants all impact the central nervous system differently, but each reduces a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. If you suspect that the other driver is under the influence of some sort of mind-altering compound, inform the attending officer as soon as they arrive.


Our modern world is full of distractions — phone alerts, billboards, commercials, GPS notifications, on-board computers, and more — and each of these draws our attention away from our tasks at hand, whether we are driving, working, or trying to write an email. However, the stakes are much lower when someone is distracted from writing an email compared to operating a vehicle, and a driver’s decision to engage with something that takes their mind, hands, or eyes off of driving increases the risk of an accident significantly. Reading or responding to a text message while driving is all it takes to cross the center line and cause a head-on collision without realizing it.


Speed is a factor in 26% of all fatal accidents in the United States, and according to a report by EMC Insurance: “for every ten mph of increased speed, the risk of dying in a crash doubles. In practical terms, increasing driving speed from 60 mph to 80 mph increases the risk of a fatal crash by four times.” In addition to the increase in the risk of a fatal collision, increased speed also reduces the time a driver has to safely react to unexpected obstacles or hazards like an animal in the road, an icy patch, or other common complications on the road. When a driver overreacts to an obstacle, misses a turn, or encounters a low friction roadway, they can easily veer into oncoming traffic and cause a severe accident.

Inclement Weather 

Wet or icy roads, fog, snow, and solar glare are just a few of the many inclement weather conditions that can lead to accidents such as head-on collisions. When a driver hits a wet patch, they may hydroplane and lose control of the vehicle, causing them to spin out, skid, or swerve into the oncoming lane. Obeying the speed limits is always essential, but inclement weather requires additional judgment to determine a safe speed to operate a vehicle while reducing the risk of these potential issues as much as possible — failure to do so may be considered negligence and can cause a driver to be held liable for an accident.


Fatigue is a serious issue for both private and commercial drivers. Fatigue is more dangerous than drunk driving in some situations and is a common factor in single-vehicle and multiple-vehicle head-on collisions. As a driver struggles to stay awake, their focus is taken away from driving and instead is shifted to trying to keep their eyes open, but most people do not even realize if or when they nod off as they fight to keep awake. If you feel yourself struggling to stay awake, pull to the side of the road and take a quick nap. It may save your life and the lives of strangers with whom you share the road. If you have been in a head-on accident with a fatigued driver, you deserve compensation for every impact you have suffered.