Aggressive Driving Accidents Lawyer

Car in night

It isn’t difficult to recognize an aggressive driver on the road: tailgating, speeding, swerving in and out of traffic, making threatening gestures, and more serve to distract and intimidate everyone else on the road while increasing the risk of a serious crash. Getting into an accident with an aggressive driver can be a terrifying experience regardless of whether or not you are injured, simply due to the fact that the driver may continue to be aggressive after the accident. Fortunately, there is a path towards recovering compensation for the many different impacts of an accident if you have been in a crash with an aggressive driver.

Filing an insurance claim after an accident can be a simple process, but getting the money you deserve requires doing more than simply following the adjuster’s guidance, and can be extremely difficult for those who are not experienced with tort law — especially if they are trying to recover from injuries at the same time. This is why partnering with an attorney is one of the best things that a victim of an aggressive driving accident can do.

Find an Attorney Today With 1-800-Injured

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. Instead of going through the process of researching and reaching out to countless law firms in the hopes of hearing back from one, we will connect you to a car accident lawyer in your area for a free consultation about your case. During your consultation, you will have an opportunity to discuss the entire situation in great detail before getting specific legal advice about the next steps, as well as learn about how the attorney can help you get the money you deserve. Sometimes, simply hearing examples of other cases similar to your own that the attorney has successfully represented can help you look towards the future with confidence. 

Read more below to get a better idea of what constitutes an aggressive driving accident, some common damages from these types of cases, and more. Contact us as soon as possible to connect with a lawyer to help you get the money you are rightfully entitled to. 

What Is Aggressive Driving?

Aggressive driving takes many forms, but according to AAA, aggressive driving is: “any unsafe driving behavior, performed deliberately and with ill intention or disregard for safety, can constitute aggressive driving.” Things like speeding in heavy traffic, weaving in and out of lanes to cut through congestion, tailgating, “brake checking,” running red lights and stop signs, ignoring rights of way, or blocking other vehicles from making maneuvers are all considered aggressive driving, and create a dangerous environment for everyone on the road. 

What To Do After an Accident With an Aggressive Driver

Remember that after any type of accident, your top priority is your health and safety. Some people choose not to call 911 so as not to be a “bother,” only to find days later that they have suffered more severe injuries than they first believed, or, more frustratingly, that the at-fault driver has changed their story and is now refusing to take responsibility. This is why calling 911 should be your top priority. 

Call 911

As soon as you can, call 911. In the case of an aggressive driving accident, doing this while you are safely in your vehicle might be best instead of having a confrontation. Inform the 911 operator that the other driver was engaging in aggressive behavior in the moments before the crash to convey this information to the police officers who will be dispatched to the scene. After an accident, adrenaline is likely running high, further agitating an already aggressive or dangerous driver.

Avoid Confrontations With an Aggressive Party

If you believe that the other driver is experiencing road rage or other heightened emotions, and it is safe to do so, you may want to remain in your vehicle with the doors locked and windows up until help arrives. If you think it is safe to get out, make sure to remain calm, avoid accusations, and don’t respond with aggression.

Get Medical Attention At the Scene

Once the EMTs are at the scene, ensure that you get a comprehensive check for any possible injuries. Adrenaline can mask pain very effectively, and many people refuse medical attention at the scene only to discover later on that they have been seriously injured. Some injuries, such as whiplash and other soft tissue injuries, take time to show themselves, so even if you are not experiencing any physical pain at the accident scene, it is important that you do not make any statements about your condition.

Follow Up With Your Doctor

If the EMTs suggest taking an ambulance to the emergency room, it is in your best interest to do so. Many people refuse an ambulance out of concern for the cost, but your personal injury attorney will include this cost in your settlement negotiations or lawsuit so that you are not left paying for it. If you leave on your own, make sure that you contact your primary care physician immediately for a follow-up. Every visit with your doctor will generate additional documentation and evidence of your injuries, which will be essential as your attorney fights to get you compensated for your injuries. 

Hire a Lawyer

Partnering with an attorney before even initiating your claim with the insurance company is an excellent idea because you will be signaling to the insurance adjuster that you mean business from the start. Part of an adjuster’s strategy is to use “gotcha” tactics that corner a claimant into accepting more blame than they deserve, such as conflating a simple apology at the scene of the accident into an admission of guilt. 

While an experienced attorney can work to set the record straight and fight to ensure that you do not accept any more fault than is accurate, it can be difficult to combat an adjuster’s aggressive tactics that come straight from the insurer’s tried and true playbook for settling claims. 

Contact 1-800-Injured as soon as possible to get the legal representation you deserve so you can start fighting for the money you are rightfully entitled to.