Lamina Removal in Florida

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Neck pain can have a serious impact on the sufferer’s quality of life and could interfere with their ability to work a normal job, pursue hobbies and interests, and otherwise enjoy a full life. One possible cause of neck pain is spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spine that puts significant pressure on the nerves in the spinal column. This narrowing and increased pressure has widespread effects including limited range of motion, chronic headaches, and ongoing aches and pain that can be extremely disruptive. 

Luckily for people who suffer from spinal stenosis, there are treatment options available, including a cervical laminectomy. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service that can connect you with an experienced and certified professional in your area. 

Understanding Cervical Laminectomies

The vertebra in your spine are each surrounded by two “covers” over the nerves in your spine, known as laminae. These laminae are meant to protect the spinal nerves from pressure and trauma, but when the spinal column narrows they do the opposite of what they are meant to do, and increase the pressure on the nerves. This pressure causes widespread pain, but there is a procedure that can remove the problem-causing laminae to relieve the issues.

A cervical laminectomy is performed by making a small incision at the midpoint of the neck, from where the doctor will then go through the neck muscles to get to the spinal column. Once the doctor has reached the problem lamina they will make an incision at the base and remove it. Oftentimes, a spinal fusion surgery is performed in tandem with a laminectomy to ensure that the vertebrae have support once the laminae are removed. 

Are You a Candidate For a Cervical Laminectomy?

If spinal stenosis is the cause of painful pressure on your cervical spine nerves, then a cervical laminectomy may be a great treatment option for you. It’s important to work closely with a specialist to ensure that all other non-invasive options have been explored before deciding to move forward with this procedure, but if those methods are proven to be ineffective then this procedure is a logical next step. 

There are a number of conditions that can cause spinal stenosis including arthritis, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, spine defects, traumatic injuries, and Paget’s bone disease, to name a few. The causes can be widespread, and each patient’s situation is unique, so it is important that your doctor builds a specific treatment plan for your individual case. 

Cervical Laminectomy Safety

Cervical laminectomies are generally safe and quick, but as with any invasive surgery there are many possible risks. An experienced surgeon and a comprehensive recovery plan can both help to mitigate these risks. Some complications include the risk of infection, loss of spinal fluid or blood, clotting, nerve damage, or allergic reactions, each of which is rare but must be addressed.

For sufferers of spinal stenosis, these minimal risks are typically far outweighed by the prospect of living a pain-free life. Partnering with a neck and back pain specialist is the first step towards getting your life back.