Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery in Florida

Spine model

Neck pain can come from a variety of sources, most commonly strain associated with overexertion or posture issues. This type of pain can commonly be alleviated with a combination of physical therapy, rest, and pain medication, but chronic or persistent neck pain may be the result of a spinal condition or injury. 

The cervical spine is composed of seven vertebrae that make up the neck, and can be impacted by a number of conditions such as degenerative disc disease that can lead to increased pressure on the nerves, rubbing between vertebrae, and more. When the discs are damaged, the vertebrae will experience friction as they move and can cause significant pressure on the nerves in the immediate area, leading to pain and discomfort throughout the upper body. 

Some damage to discs in the cervical spine may be corrected with an artificial disc replacement, which is best discussed with an experienced professional who can identify the cause of your pain and offer potential solutions. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service that can connect you with an experienced and certified professional in your area. 

What Is Cervical Disc Replacement?

When a disc in the cervical spine is damaged, there is an option to replace this disc with an artificial one in order to restore lost range of motion and alleviate pressure on the nerves in the area. This procedure is done by opening a small incision in the front of the neck in order to avoid cutting through muscles and soft tissues at the back of the neck, meaning that recovery is much faster and patients can often leave the hospital after a night or two.

Candidates For Artificial Disc Replacement

There are many different surgical and non-invasive treatment options for treating degenerative disc disease or herniated discs. Sometimes, replacing the damaged disc with an artificial one is one of the best options. If you are not a good candidate for this procedure, a fusion may be necessary.

If you have no signs of arthritis, osteoporosis, or infection in the cervical spine, have no allergic risks, and there is only one damaged disc in the spine, then a replacement may be a good option. Since there are so many different approaches to treating cervical spine issues relating to the discs, this is only one of a number of possibilities that you and your surgeon will explore as you work towards finding the appropriate treatment for your unique situation. 

As with most invasive surgeries, your doctor will likely attempt to first use conservative treatment options like physical therapy, pain medication, or steroid injections before determining that surgery is the right solution for you. Since no two cases are alike, getting connected with a doctor as soon as possible is the best way to get a comprehensive understanding of your situation and start looking towards the future.