Hurricane Hanna Claims

The damages caused by hurricanes are well known to Floridians, and homeowner’s insurance companies are well-versed in their ability to limit your payment amounts for these damages, even though you pay into your policy diligently. The World Meteorological Society has designated the name Hanna for use with a 2020 storm. In the event that this storm is elevated to Hurricane Hanna and you suffer damage to your property, then the next step will be to file a claim with your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, car insurance, and other policies that are available to compensate you for your losses.


Filing a claim is often as easy as simply submitting a claim on your insurer’s website or by calling your insurance agent, but the simplicity of submitting a claim is not the same thing as getting the money that you deserve. Insurance companies work hard to keep their filing processes simple so that people do not think that they need help from a lawyer, but the reality is that you will benefit from the support of an attorney in order to get the money that you deserve.

Hire an Attorney Today For Your Hurricane Claim

1-800-Injured provides victims of hurricane damage with easy access to a large network of attorneys who are ready to take their cases today. If you hire a lawyer to help you through your hurricane claim process, they will be able to walk you through every step of the process and fight for the money that you deserve, and not just the money that the insurance company would like to pay you.

Before you even begin to file a claim, contact us now in order to be connected with a lawyer as soon as possible. You will be able to speak with them about the damages that you have experienced and get a better sense of how they can help you complete your claim to get the damages that you need. You pay into your insurance policies every month to get this type of coverage, so you are entitled to a full amount to repair your home and property.

Common Hurricane Claims in Florida

The following are just a few examples of some common damages that are included in hurricane claims in Florida. Whether or not you see anything that resembles the damages that you have experienced, contact us now to be connected with an attorney who can help you understand how best to move forward, and how you can get enough money to cover all of these damages.

Broken Windows

Broken windows are extremely common in high wind situations, and Hurricane Hanna is no different. When a window is broken during a hurricane, as opposed to when there is not high wind and high rain, this breach to the protective systems of your home can cause damage to the things inside your house as well as the window itself. You will need to claim the additional damages that were caused due to this broken window, not just the window.

Damaged Roofs

Damage to a roof is extremely common when the winds and rains are very strong, but as with broken windows, damaged roofs can cause serious structural damage as well. When shingles, flashing, gutters, and weather barriers are torn from a roof, then the water damage can be extensive and cause widespread issues in your home, including mold, problems to your electrical system, and more.

Electrical and Fire Damage

Water and wind are extremely disruptive to electrical systems, and when a power line is downed due to a falling branch or wind, the combination of a live wire and lots of water can be catastrophic to people and property alike. Compromised electrical systems are very dangerous, and need to be addressed by professionals immediately in order to mitigate any additional possible risks, in addition to the need to quantify the damages that they cause as well. 

Additional Common Hurricane Damages In Florida

  • Personal Property Damage
  • Flooding
  • Fallen Trees
  • Damage to Vehicles
  • Damage to Clothing
  • Lost Wages

Why Find an Attorney Through 1-800-Injured?

1-800-Injured is a lawyer referral network and is one of the easiest ways to be connected with an attorney who is ready and willing to help you get your Florida hurricane claim settled as quickly and effectively as possible. You can avoid the additional stress and hassle of interviewing lawyers, requesting evaluations, and going through the back-and-forth of finding a lawyer for you when you use our simple referral network.

Contact us now for a free consultation so that you can be connected with a lawyer as soon as possible.