Hillsboro Car Accident Attorney

If you have been in an auto accident in Washington County, then you may have a lot of questions about how to file a car accident claim and how to find a competent car accident attorney. According to Oregon law, you can recover compensatory damages from the insurance company of the negligent driver. First, you must find a qualified attorney with a proven record for success in Hillsboro, Oregon.

A Hillsboro car accident attorney can assist car accident victims in getting the financial compensation that they deserve for their injuries. During your free consultation, you can learn more about your legal rights, as well as what legal action needs to be taken by when.

Car accidents cause emotional pain, physical pain, and so much stress. Finding an experienced car accident lawyer is easier when using a lawyer directory service in Washington County. 1-800-Injured is a Lawyer & Medical directory helping Oregon residents find a personal injury attorney after they have been involved in a car accident. With several Hillsboro car accident attorneys to choose from, you can set up a free initial consultation at the law firm or law office of your choice after visiting the websites for several Hillsboro car accident lawyers.

Photo of a Rolled-over Car

When Should You Hire a Hillsboro Car Accident Lawyer?

You should schedule your free consultation with a Hillsboro car accident lawyer within two or three days of your personal injury, and you should seek medical attention within 24 hours after your car wreck. A car accident lawyer in Hillsboro Oregon will be able to develop a legal strategy to help you get the compensation you deserve for your medical expenses, lost income and property damages.

Car accident attorneys warn that even though you have two years from the date of your Hillsboro Oregon accident, there are benefits to filing as soon as possible. The insurance company could argue that too much time has gone by and question why you waited so long to file for compensation. Reach out to an Oregon law firm today to schedule a free consultation.

Compensation for Car Accident Injuries

There are two types of compensatory damages that car accident victims can recover in personal injury cases: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages encompass all of your financial losses, such as your hospital bills, ongoing medical expenses (physical therapy, followup visits), lost wages, future impairment of earning capacity, property damage, and any other expenses related to the car crash. 

Non economic damages compensate a car accident victim for subjective losses such as emotional distress, pain, and suffering. If you suffered a catastrophic injury that left you permanently disabled, required an amputation, or rendered you unable to care for yourself independently, then you should speak to a personal injury attorney about recovering these types of damages. 

Damages in a wrongful death case include funeral and burial expenses, loss of support and services, and loss of companionship. Because these types of cases are handled differently due to the loss of life, you should ask your lawyer about their experience with these kinds of claims. 

Common Types of Oregon Car Accidents

Some of the most common types of Hillsboro car accidents are:

  • Head on collisions. These occur when the front of two vehicles strike each other. These are some of the deadliest types of car accidents. 
  • Rear end collisions. These occur when one driver crashes into the back of the car of the other driver in front of them. These usually occur at stop lights or when drivers follow too closely. 
  • Rollover accidents. These occur when the vehicle’s weight shifts to one side, causing it to roll
  • Side swipe accidents. These occur when two vehicles traveling in the same direction and one hits the other car’s side.
  • Intersection accidents. Also known as left-turn accidents, these occur when a driver does not yield the right of way to the oncoming driver, and turns at the wrong time.
  • Multi-car accidents. These are complex cases involving more than two drivers. In these cases, there may be several liable parties and several plaintiffs with valid claims. 

There are a number of reasons why these accidents occur. Most often they occur because one driver was not exercising enough caution.

Reckless driving describes an array of dangerous behaviors like speeding, weaving in and out of lanes, running red lights, or otherwise driving with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property. 

Drowsy driving and distracted driving are just as dangerous as drunk driving. A driver who is fatigued or under the influence of drugs or alcohol has slower reaction time, drifts out of their lane, hits a rumble strip on the side of the road, or makes poor decisions behind the wheel. 

Damages in Car Crashes in Hillsboro, OR

Oregon is a modified comparative negligence state, which means that the other party must be at least 51% at fault for the accident in order for you to win damages. That also means that even if you are partially at fault for the accident, as long as your fault is under 51%, you can recover compensation from the insurance company. 

Most people think that car accident cases are straightforward: they were hit, someone is at fault, and damages will be paid in a personal injury claim. Unfortunately, it’s never that simple. Complicated car accident cases will require an experienced car accident attorney who has a successful track record of getting the maximum compensation for their clients.

Contact Us Today for a Free Case Evaluation

All it takes is a single moment to cause a car accident and change a person’s life forever. In 2020, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) reported 19,343 serious car accidents and 460 fatal crashes leading to wrongful death claims. 

1-800-Injured connects you with reputable car accident lawyers quickly and for free. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 1-800-Injured has a wide network of personal injury attorneys that are ready and eager to help.