Elmiron Lawsuit


If you have been prescribed Elmiron and have suffered adverse side effects relating to maculopathy or other eye-related or vision-related issues, then you may be entitled to compensation. At Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers, our team is happy to represent you through the lawsuit process in order to get an award that you rightfully deserve after experiencing this terrible side effect, you will need to work with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help alleviate the stress of this legal process for you so that you can focus on your recovery with the confidence that there is someone fighting for your rights. 

Read more below about Elmiron, what it does, why there are ongoing lawsuits relating to the use of this drug, and more. Contact us as soon as possible for a free initial consultation to discuss your own experience with Elmiron, any side effects that you have experienced, and how we can help you get the money that you are rightfully entitled to after suffering injuries from using this drug.

What is Elmiron and How Does It Work

Elmiron is an FDA-approved oral medicine that is used for treating interstitial cystitis, otherwise known as IC, a painful bladder condition comprised of a range of symptoms. The most common symptoms of IC (otherwise referred to as Painful Bladder Syndrome, bladder pain syndrome, or chronic pelvic pain) are recurring or near-continuous pelvic pain and pressure, increased urinary frequency, and strong urges to go. The pain that IC causes can be so severe that it is incapacitating, and it is not uncommon for people to be prescribed aggressive pain management medications like strong opiates.

Elmiron is the medication name for Pentosan polysulfate sodium, a non-opioid medication option for IC that works by restoring damaged bladder surface that is composed of a mucus layer of glycosaminoglycans, or GAG layer, meant to protect the bladder wall from irritants and bacteria. In IC, this mucus layer is compromised and Elmiron acts as a synthetic GAG layer.

Elmiron is typically taken in 100 mg doses, three times daily. However, this treatment schedule can vary based on things like body weight, other medical issues, or additional medications that you may take. When the medication is working, patients can experience relief in as soon as three or four weeks, but some more serious cases may take up to six months to see positive results. The first effect is a decrease in pain, and then a reduction in urinary frequency and urgency will often take longer. Elmiron is often paired with other medications in order to achieve the desired effects in a comprehensive manner.

Common Side Effects of may cause serious ocular damage

As with all prescription medications, there are side effects that someone taking Elmiron can expect, most commonly gastrointestinal issues. In addition to this common side effect, some users have reports hair loss (which reverses when the patient discontinued use of the drug). There are currently no known negative interactions with other medicines.

In addition, there is the possibility of experiencing any number of the following common side effects for nearly all medications, as found in clinical studies:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Itchiness
  • Appetite loss
  • Nausea
  • Rashes
  • Oral sores
  • Gassiness

If you believe that you are having serious side effects, it is essential that you see your doctor immediately. 

Elmiron Vision Loss and Blindness

Although clinical studies found that there were no exceptionally alarming side effects, recent lawsuits have posited that Elmiron causes an eye disorder known as maculopathy, as well as a variety of other retinal issues that can cause blindness. If you or a loved one has experienced this particularly alarming—and permanent—side effect while taking Elmiron, then you may be entitled to compensation through an active lawsuit against the drug manufacturer.

Robin A. Vora, M.D, Amar P. Patel, M.D., and Ronald Melles M.D., ophthalmologists at Kaiser Permanente, published a study in late 2019 showing that people taking Elmiron exhibited clear signs of ocular toxicity. 

In the study, the researchers “reported that six patients who had been taking Elmiron for about 15 years had developed unusual changes in their macula, the central part of the retina responsible for delivering clear, crisp, central vision. Because nothing in the patients’ medical history or diagnostic tests explained the subtle, but striking pattern of abnormalities, Dr. Jain and his colleagues raised a warning flag that long-term use of Elmiron may damage the retina.”

The study was then followed up by an additional study of 117 patients which further strengthened the case that long-term use of Elmiron has led to the development of toxic maculopathy, potentially putting hundreds of thousands of people at risk of these life-changing side effects.

Why You Need An Attorney, 

In an active lawsuit against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, plaintiffs are claiming that the defendant failed to properly warn patients about the risk of these vision problems, which some victims claim has led to irreversible damage or loss of their vision. If you or a loved one has suffered similar outcomes, then working with a Balkin Law Group attorney to determine your rights and your options to compensation for these terrible effects is a solid way that you can get a better understanding of how you will be able to move forward with your legal case.

After you have been injured in any type of circumstances, trying to make sense of your legal options and handling the many administrative steps necessary to work towards justice can be emotionally taxing and overwhelming, but when you have an attorney who has taken your case on for you, you can focus on making sense of your situation, getting your life back on track, and moving forward with your personal situation without taking on the additional stress. Simply having an experienced personal injury attorney to answer your questions can be a significant benefit, so that you do not spend your time worrying about complicated legal matters or growing alarmed about finding the answer to specific questions. Contact Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers, LLP today.