Port Saint Lucie Slip and Fall Lawyers

Have you been injured in a slip-and-fall accident in Port St. Lucie, FL? The at-fault party may be liable for compensating your lost wages, out-of-pocket expenses, medical bills, and other losses.

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service that connects injured victims with aggressive attorneys who are ready to fight for their legal rights.

Woman fallen on street

Were You Injured In a Slip and Fall Accident in St. Port Lucie?

Whether you’re visiting Port St. Lucie or living here year-round, every building you enter should offer a reasonable level of safety, including well-maintained floors free of tripping hazards. However, not every business in Port St. Lucie provides the same level of protection to prevent slip and fall incidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, the referral team at 1-800-Injured can help you find a proven attorney to discuss the details of your case. 

How a Slip and Fall Lawyer Can Help After an Injury in Port Saint Lucie  

A Port St. Lucie, FL, slip and fall case may not be as straightforward as it seems. Proving who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. It may not be immediately clear who is responsible for the incident.

Injuries caused by a slip and fall may not be apparent right away and could reveal themselves several days to weeks later. The at-fault party likely has an aggressive insurance company pointing the blame toward you and protecting them.

Following a slip-and-fall accident, you should never have to fight the battle alone. You deserve the help of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney to help you pursue compensation for your injuries.

An experienced attorney knows how to prove another party’s negligence caused you injuries by:

  • Launching a full investigation into the circumstances of the incident to determine who is liable for your injuries and what the full extent of your damages are
  • Collecting all available evidence to help prove damages for your claim 
  • Hiring medical and legal experts to analyze evidence and further strengthen your claim. When needed, these experts can provide testimony on your behalf
  • Handling all paperwork, communication, and negotiations involved in your slip-and-fall case
  • Filing a lawsuit when a settlement cannot be reached out of court

Call 1-800–Injured to take the next steps to protect your legal rights and seek a fair settlement with the help of experienced legal representation.

Port St. Lucie Slip and Fall Accident Injuries

A slip-and-fall accident can occur just about anywhere, including on stairs, level ground, or uneven parking lots. Depending on how the victim has fallen, the force of the accident, and what the victim falls on will determine what injuries they may suffer. No matter how the incident occurs, slip-and-fall accidents can create severe injuries.

Neck and Back Injuries 

Relatively short falls can lead to neck and back injuries. A body’s natural movements strongly rely on neck and back control, so these injuries often cause the victim to suffer ongoing pain and can severely limit their daily operations. These limitations increase if they have suffered spinal cord damage.

Traumatic Brain Injury

When someone falls and hits their head on an object, they could suffer traumatic brain injuries. A traumatic brain injury can vary depending on several circumstances, such as where the head was hit. Traumatic brain injuries can cause:

  • Difficulty focusing
  • Interference with concentration
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Lost emotional control

Broken Bones

Broken bones are common with slip and fall accidents and can severely limit the victim’s mobility. Broken bones often occur in the arms and hands when the victim attempts to catch their fall or in their legs and feet as they fall to the ground. Unfortunately, broken bones often require surgery to be set, and many victims require long-term physical therapy to regain mobility following the slip and fall incident.

Broken Hips

More common in elderly individuals, a slip and fall accident can lead to a broken hip. Long-term mobility issues often occur from broken hips. Elderly individuals who suffer severe hip damage may never be able to walk again and become wheelchair-bound.

Severe Lacerations 

Depending on where and how the slip and fall occurred, victims can suffer severe lacerations. When this occurs, the lacerations could create profound blood loss, a higher risk of infection, and permanent scarring.

Wet Floor Sign

Who Is Liable for Slip and Fall Accidents in Port Saint Lucie?

After a serious injury in Port St. Lucie, your slip and fall accident lawyer can look at the details of your case and launch an investigation to determine which parties contributed to or caused your accident. The premise’s owner often holds liability due to having property that is improperly cared for. Other times, different entities could be liable for injuries sustained, including those operating on another person’s property or when a third-party vendor created the fall risk. 

You should discuss the circumstances of the accident with a seasoned lawyer to help determine who bears liability for your injuries.

If you suffered injuries on private property, you may have the right to file a slip and fall claim for the negligent actions of the renter or homeowner. Private property owners are required to provide a reasonably safe experience or have clear warnings regarding any potential hazards that may be found on the property. When the property owner does not uphold their duty of care and you suffer serious injuries, they may be held liable for your medical expenses and damages. 

In most cases, you will receive a payout for damages suffered from the homeowner’s insurance policy. When this does not happen, your attorney can help you file a slip-and-fall lawsuit to hold the liable party responsible.

When determining if you have a valid slip and fall accident claim, your lawyer will look at three key questions:

  • At the time of the accident, did the accused party bear a duty of care to you? For example, a business owner bears a duty of care to each person visiting their business.
  • Was an act of negligence committed by the accused party that resulted in you suffering a slip and fall accident and causing you injuries? 
  • What injuries were sustained due to the accused party’s negligence?

Recoverable Compensation Following a Port Saint Lucie Slip and Fall Accident 

After suffering injuries in a slip and fall accident in Port St. Lucie, you have the right to seek compensation for the damages you incurred. While there is no guarantee of compensation, if your personal injury claim is successful, you could recover the following damages:

Medical Expenses

Slip and fall injuries often result in hefty medical bills. Between ambulance rides, hospital stays, doctor’s visits, physical therapy, medications, and durable medical equipment such as crutches and wheelchairs, expenses add up quickly.

Lost Income

If the injuries you suffered from your slip and fall accident stopped you from returning to work or you missed out on income due to the accident, you can seek compensation for lost wages when filing your slip and fall accident claim. Your Port St. Lucie lawyer can help you determine what benefits you used during your time off that may be recouped in your claim. Such benefits can include paid time off or sick time. If your injuries have prevented your ability to continue to work in your industry, you can claim lost earning potential.

Pain and Suffering

In addition to the above economic damages, if you suffered physical or emotional pain and suffering from your slip and fall accident, your attorney can help you seek compensation for these non-economic damages.

Scarring, Disfigurement, and Permanent Disability 

Severe slip and fall injuries can leave victims with scarring and permanent disfigurement. Scarring and disfigurement, especially to the face, can cause lifetime issues for an injury victim. Permanent disability creates major financial and personal hurdles for a slip-and-fall injury victim. An experienced Port St. Lucie attorney can help prove the severity of these damages and seek proper compensation.

Contact 1-800-Injured Now To Connect With Experienced Slip and Fall Attorneys 

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service connecting accident victims with knowledgeable lawyers ready to handle their cases today. Call to be connected with slip and fall lawyers in Saint Port Lucie to receive a free consultation and case evaluation. 

You should be able to focus your time and energy on your recovery and not have to worry about fighting for compensation from the negligent party who caused your injuries. 

Contact our attorney referral service today using our online form to find an experienced legal team to help you seek the compensation you deserve.