Port St Lucie Car Accident Lawyer


Personal Injury of Florida

Truck Accidents Brain Injury
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4.7 (165 reviews)

Law Offices of Feldman, Baron & Ventura

Brain Injury Truck Accidents Slip And Fall
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4.7 (70 reviews)

Wolf & Pravato

Truck Accidents
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4.8 (340 reviews)

Uriarte Law P.A.

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Driving Car

No matter how safe and responsible we are as drivers, there will always be a risk of an accident while other people are on the road. Even though there are speed limits, licensing requirements, driver’s education courses, and other mechanisms intended to help all drivers follow the same rules and guidelines to maximize safety, all too often there are drivers who ignore these guidelines and act recklessly or dangerously on the roads. Getting into an accident with someone who has willfully ignored traffic laws or safety guidelines can be an extremely frustrating experience, especially if you suffer from serious injuries as a result.

Fortunately, there is legal recourse available for victims of other drivers’ reckless behaviors, and typically a victim can seek compensation from the driver’s representative insurance company. The insurance company will cover—ostensibly—all of the financial impacts that the victim has suffered as a result of the crash, ranging from medical bills to emotional suffering, as well as the repair or replacement costs of the victim’s damaged property. Getting the money that you deserve though, and not just what the insurance company is willing to pay, is another issue entirely.

Hire an Attorney To Get The Money You Deserve After a Car Accident in Port St. Lucie Through 1-800-Injured

In the early days after a car accident, a victim has a lot on their mind: understanding the reality of their injuries, trying to get their work obligations in order, taking care of family, and getting the medical care that they need in order to facilitate a recovery. At the same time, they will need to handle police reports, conversations with their insurance company, and starting the claims process with the other driver’s insurance company. Amidst all of this chaos, it can be understandable why someone chooses not to take on the additional stress of trying to find an attorney available for their case.

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. Instead of needing to go through the entire process of finding car accident law firms near you, reaching out to countless attorneys, and hoping that you can find someone available to take your case, we can make connecting with an experienced car accident lawyer a simple process that gets you on the path towards compensation with ease. 

Read more below about why it is so important to hire a personal injury attorney after a car accident and get connected with a lawyer for your case today through our simple and convenient referral service.

The Importance of Legal Representation After a Florida Car Accident

When you file an insurance claim after an accident, you are going up against a massive company with years of experience handling situations similar to yours, and identifying all possible ways to limit the amount that gets paid out for any individual accident. Your situation will be no different, no matter how pleasant your interactions with the claims adjuster may be. Remember: insurance companies stay in business by paying as little as possible for claims. 

The tactics employed by insurance companies to limit payments are wide-ranging and include things like using victim’s statements against them for technicalities, requiring medical exams performed by doctors contracted by the insurance company, and leveraging the victim’s stress about the whole situation to convince them to accept a lower settlement in exchange for waiving any future legal rights relating to this situation.

Hire an Attorney To Protect Your Options

When you have an attorney working on your behalf, you do not need to worry about making a misstatement that could come back to haunt you, or having the insurance company dissect every piece of information that you provide them looking for ways to pin additional fault on you. Instead, you can focus on your recovery and your personal needs without the additional stress, knowing that there is a legal professional who is representing you through the entire process. 

Reduce Your Stress

Stress is proven to be detrimental to physical wound recovery, and legal stress can have an enormous toll on a victim. This is especially true as your bills and expenses are piling up, your income is impacted by your injuries, and the insurance company is working hard to pay you as little as possible. This discomfort is one of the major levers that an insurance company can use in order to get the outcome they want, but your attorney will be able to shield you from this stress and put your mind at ease as they fight for the money that you are entitled to. Taking on the fear and distress of the “unknown” plays a major role in this process if you attempt to do it yourself.

Maximize Your Damages

Many of the damages that an insurance company will include in their calculations are obvious and simple to calculate, such as your initial medical expenses, lost wages, and other simple impacts that you have already encountered. However, the damages that you deserve go far beyond these easy calculations, whether or not the insurance company wants to admit it. As a victim of someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior, you are entitled to compensation for the fear and trauma you have experienced, the pain and suffering for your injuries, and many more damages that the insurance company will never include in their calculations, and will push back on aggressively if you seek them out for yourself.

Make Decisions With Confidence

When you are confronted with a series of options or requests from the insurance company and you do not have an experienced, proven legal professional to help you understand both what you are looking at and how you can proceed, the stress of making a decision comes down entirely on you. At the same time that you are trying to heal your wounds, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by highly-detailed and lengthy legal documents, complicated terms, and strangely-worded questions that will feel like they are designed to negatively impact you. When you have an attorney on your side, they will be able to distill these legal concepts and give you guidance.