Who Has the Most Car Accidents? Orlando vs. Other Florida Cities

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Given how busy Orlando car accident attorneys are, you might think that Orange County has the most car accidents in the state. It may seem hard to believe, but we are actually the third-most accident prone county in the state! However, we are actually ok with not taking first place in this contest. Take a closer look at the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles statistics to get an idea of where we fit overall in the state. Unfortunately, we can not get city-specific data, but the county numbers should be a good indication of the overall situation.

Third Most Accidents Reported in Florida: Orange County

In 2017, Orange County had a reported 31,004 accidents, which resulted in 21,646 injuries and 188 deaths. If you’re keeping score, that’s 84 accidents every day across the county. If you also consider the number of parking lots in the county, it’s likely that these numbers are a lot higher when you think of people bumping into each other while looking for a parking spot in malls or amusement parks. For context, Orange County has a population of 1.349 million in 2017, meaning that there was a car accident for one out of every 43 citizens of the county. (Remember this number, it will come in handy later on.)

Second Most Accidents Reported in Florida: Broward County

If you were to guess based on simple populations, Broward County would be a natural assumption for one of the highest-ranking counties in Florida for accidents. In 2017, the FHSMV found that there was a total of 41,337 car accidents, resulting in 24,762 injuries and 225 deaths. This amounts to 113 car accidents EVERY DAY in Broward County. Keep in mind that this is only the number of reported accidents, meaning that these numbers are likely higher, but minor fender benders or small crashes in parking lots would probably bring this number much higher. With a population of 1.936 million, that comes to 1 car accident per every 46 citizens.

First Most Accidents Reported in Florida: Miami-Dade County

Again, if you were guessing based on population, Miami-Dade would be a safe, and correct, bet. Miami-Dade County comes in on top for the number of accidents in 2017, with 65,986. There were a total of 32,389 injuries reported out of these accidents, and a total of 285 deaths. For sheer volume Miami-Dade has the most accidents, but what about when compared to the population? Miami-Dade had a population of 2.752 million in 2017, meaning that there was 1 car accident per 42 citizens.

Most Car Accidents Per Citizen in Florida

If we look at the top three counties in Florida for accidents but compare them based on the overall population, the order changes slightly. Broward County comes in with 1 accident per every 46 citizens. Orange County is the second-worst county, with 1 accident per every 43, and Miami-Dade comes in on top with 1 accident per every 42 citizens.

Is Florida The Most Dangerous State To Drive In?

It’s repeatedly found that Florida is one of the most dangerous state for car accidents, with a US News report finding that Florida was the third most dangerous state for car accident fatalities in 2017, behind only California and Texas. However, in terms of sheer volume of car accidents, Florida takes the lead.

Overall, Florida had a total of 402,385 reported car accidents in 2017, with just under 3,000 of them reported as fatal, and nearly 255,000 injuries reported. With a population of 20.98 million, that means that there is an accident each for per every 53 citizens. As you can see, Orange County has a much higher rate of accidents per citizen, which is no surprise as one of the most dangerous counties in the state.

If you are in an accident and need the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney, 1800-Injured is the only place you need to look. Our attorney and medical referral service will put you in contact with the right lawyer for your case so that you can get started on your case as soon as possible.