Understanding Minnesota Dog Bite Laws: Your Rights and Legal Options

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Oct 04, 2024

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Dogs are perhaps the most beloved type of pet, with 62 million households owning dogs in 2022. While they offer companionship and protection, they can also be a major liability. When dogs bite or attack, they can cause serious injuries that may leave lasting impacts and physical impairments.

Minnesota dog attacks are taken very seriously in accordance with dog bite laws in Minnesota. The state follows a strict liability based on dog bite legislation in Minnesota. If you or a loved one were bitten by a dog, dog bite lawyers can help you seek compensation for your medical bills and other damages.

After a Minnesota dog attack, you can find experienced dog bite lawyers through 1-800-Injured. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service that can help you connect to the legal representation you need. This informative blog post details the dog bite laws in Minnesota along with how you can take legal action to recover compensation for your injuries.

Overview of Dog Bite Laws in Minnesota

Dog bite legislation in Minnesota provides a lot of protection for dog bite victims. In Minnesota dog attacks, the owner of the dog is liable under the strict liability laws for these types of legal matters. Many other states use a “one-bite rule” which allows the owner of the dog to avoid liability when their dog bites someone for the first time.

Minnesota’s dog bite laws are strict liability in nature, meaning that a dog owner will be held liable for damages under this rule, regardless of whether the dog had ever shown aggressive tendencies prior to the attack. 

Exploring Strict Liability for Dog Owners in Minnesota

There are a few more points that would make a dog owner liable for dog bite injuries in the state of Minnesota. The dog must not have been provoked in any way, and you must be in a location where you are legally permitted to be and behaving reasonably. 

For example, if you were in a public park during daylight hours while minding your own business, you are legally allowed to be in this location. Suppose you are at the park and a dog runs up to you, knocking you down and biting you on your face, arms, and legs. In this scenario, you were not provoking the dog and the owner would be fully liable for your dog bite injuries.

The dog bite laws in Minnesota further go on to detail that the attacking dog does not need to have been aggressive or dangerous before this event. The owner will be held liable for the full cost of the injuries you sustained. This means you can collect compensation for your medical expenses, lost income from missing work, and other related out-of-pocket expenses. 

Additionally, you can seek compensation for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. If the dog’s owner was grossly negligent or the dog had been previously declared dangerous, dog bite laws in Minnesota allow you to claim additional damages. 

Common Injuries Sustained in Minnesota Dog Attacks

When an owner allows their dog to run around in public places without a leash or doesn’t properly secure their pet on their property, leading to an escape, it can lead to serious injuries. Even if you are an invited guest to someone’s home, if their dog bites you, the dog’s owner will be held liable. In most dog bite cases, victims will suffer superficial scratches and wounds when the dog knocks them over.

Most dogs have sharp teeth that can easily tear and puncture the skin. These bites can go even deeper, creating puncture wounds and lacerations. The deeper the wounds, the more likely it will be that victims will suffer nerve damage and be left with permanent scarring that will always remind them of this attack.

The strength of a dog’s jaws is great enough to fracture or crush bones, especially if the victim of the attack is a child. These serious injuries also leave the opportunity for infections caused by exposure to the bacteria in the dog’s mouth. Another concern is the potential for rabies. If you were bitten by a dog and do not know the owner, you may not know if the dog has been vaccinated for rabies. When you get medical treatment, they will likely decide to give you rabies vaccinations to protect you in case the dog was not up to date on its required vaccinations. 

In addition to these physical injuries, you may have loved dogs before you were bitten. It is common for those who are attacked by dogs to become fearful of all dogs and experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Dog bite

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Minnesota Dog Bite Claims

Generally, when a dog bites someone, the owner will be able to use their homeowners’ insurance policy to cover this event or they will be made to pay out of pocket. When insurance companies are involved, they will scrutinize the case and attempt to find ways to minimize or deny the claim. 

They may try to claim that you provoked the dog, which led to your injuries. Another tactic is to claim that you were negligent in your actions or you ignored warning signs that could have kept you from getting bitten by the dog. They may even try to claim you were trespassing or not lawfully permitted on the property when the attack occurred. 

For these reasons, it is imperative that you speak with a dog bite attorney who can help protect your legal rights and lead the way through the legal process. Victims of Minnesota dog attacks must understand their legal options and how dog bite laws work in this state, whether they are the victim or their child was attacked by someone else’s dog. You should contact 1-800-Injured to find a dog bite attorney who can help you hold the dog’s owner accountable and recover compensation for your injuries.