Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyer

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Accidents happen in Minnesota just like they do everywhere else. No matter what kind of personal injury you’ve sustained, you will want an aggressive personal injury attorney on the case to stand up for you.

With 1-800-Injured, you will have access to a team of Minnesota personal injury attorneys committed to fighting for justice on your behalf. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical directory service that connects you to the right law firm in Minneapolis, MN, allowing you to have peace of mind while you recover from your injuries.

The goal is to find fair compensation for those that suffer injuries from the negligence of another person. Contact 1-800-Injured today to get a free consultation with a personal injury attorney.

Minneapolis Skyline

What Does a Personal Injury Attorney Do?

Personal injury lawyers represent anyone that has been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. The complexities that can abound from each personal injury claim involve legal and insurance processes that most people outside of the legal field don’t understand.

With legal representation from a personal injury attorney, you may be able to recover compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. This includes medical bills, lost wages, property damages, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and more.

Often, an insurance company will make a paltry settlement offer that doesn’t adequately cover your losses. You need to connect with the Minnesota personal injury lawyers available in your area through 1-800-Injured.

When you work with a personal injury law firm, you will have access to seasoned lawyers that will represent your case for a wide range of injury claims. You may have suffered a severe traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injuries, fractures, broken bones, amputated limbs, burn injuries, vision loss, and other types of injuries. These injuries can impact you for a lifetime, and you shouldn’t have to foot the bill just because someone else was negligent or careless in their actions.

Contact 1-800-Injured today to speak with Minneapolis personal injury lawyers that will fight for your injury claims.

What to Look for When Choosing Minneapolis Personal Injury Attorneys

While there are many knowledgeable personal injury lawyers, the right one to represent you should have experience with your type of personal injury. It makes little sense to hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you after a car accident when they specialize in workers’ compensation cases.

At 1-800-Injured, you can find the right attorney to represent your personal injury matter. This directory service gives you access to  a vast network of proven attorneys that have experience with an array of personal injury cases to match your needs.

Common Types of Personal Injury Claims in Minneapolis, MN

When it comes to personal injury claims, contact an experienced personal injury attorney with the help of 1-800-Injured, a directory service for your legal representation needs. Through this directory, you will be able to connect with personal injury lawyers that have years of experience in handling these common types of personal injury cases.

Car Accidents

While Minnesota does have fewer car accidents than other states, along with fewer cars on the roads, traffic accidents are still common in Minneapolis. In fact, they happen far more often in a small area.

In this area, 9% of streets are where 66% of the most severe injury and fatal crashes have occurred from 2017 to 2021.

According to the image below, this small area has the greatest concentration of injury-related and fatal collisions in Minneapolis.

The streets include Lake Street, Lowry Avenue, Central Avenue, University Avenue, Broadway Street, University Avenue, Washington Avenue, and Hennepin Avenue. Additionally, in lower-income neighborhoods, there is a higher percentage of accidents, possibly due to higher speed limits or no turn lanes.

Drivers should be prudent on the road, but negligence includes speeding, distracted driving, running red lights, failure to yield, and driving under the influence. When a driver engages in behaviors like these, they can cause serious harm to others.

If you have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact 1-800-Injured to find legal representation.

People Talking After Car Crash

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents

According to statistics from the state of Minnesota, 48 pedestrians and 8 bicyclists are killed every year due to collisions with motor vehicles. This type of car accident tends to be more deadly as both pedestrians and bicyclists are more vulnerable.

The personal injuries suffered from these types of motor vehicle accidents are usually extreme, even when a car is traveling at a low speed. For example, if a car that is traveling at 20 miles per hour hits a pedestrian, that pedestrian has a 13% chance of dying or incurring serious injury.

Increase that speed to 30 miles an hour, and those chances go up to 40%. At 40 miles per hour, the potential for serious injuries or death is 73%. Speeding is certainly a major problem and a contributing factor in Minneapolis, MN accidents.

If a negligent driver hits you while you are riding your bike or walking, don’t delay to speak with Minneapolis personal injury lawyers. In some cases, loved ones are lost from the negligent actions of others, and a wrongful death personal injury lawsuit must be made. Minnesota lawyers from the personal injury law firms connected with 1-800-Injured will represent the family of those filing a wrongful death claim. Call today for a free initial consultation.

Night bicycle riding

Truck Accidents

Large commercial trucks are one of the main ways of transporting the supplies we need in our stores. While most truck drivers follow the law, there are many instances where they ignore the hours set forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This often is the cause of truck accidents, though other factors, such as distracted driving, also play a role.

In Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that there were over 5,300 truck accidents, leading to nearly 1,500 injuries. Since trucks are so much larger and heavier than the average passenger vehicle, the potential for catastrophic injuries is far greater.

Most of those truck accidents occurred on the highway or interstate, though there were a large number of them that took place in residential and rural areas. While driver error is the main cause, there could be other parties involved that are responsible for their share of neglect. This could be the trucking company that employed the truck driver, cargo loaders, the truck manufacturer, or even the maintenance crew that was responsible for making sure the truck was road ready.

A personal injury from a truck accident is incredibly complicated due to the intense investigations that need to be conducted. Don’t face a personal injury claim from this type of accident without a personal injury lawyer. Contact 1-800-Injured when you want to hold all potentially liable parties responsible.

Motorcycle Accidents

Every motorcycle rider is aware of the many risks they face on the roads. In 2019, there were 89,000 injuries and 5,014 fatalities from motorcycle accidents. Even more alarming, in that same year, there were 59.3 fatalities for every 100,000 motorcycles registered. That is nearly 7 times the number of fatalities recorded for passenger vehicles and trucks, as per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Motorcyclists are in more danger than anyone else on the roads in Minneapolis, MN, or anywhere in the country. Most of these accidents are caused by other drivers, usually by way of distraction. When drivers are busy texting rather than watching the road, the result can end someone’s life.

Those that survive auto accidents while riding a motorcycle are often left with injuries that impact them for a lifetime. Others do not survive, leaving their families to seek justice through wrongful death claims. If you were one of the injured victims in a motorcycle accident, it’s important to contact the personal injury lawyers at 1-800-Injured to get the representation you need.


Other Auto Accidents

While motorcycle, truck, and car accidents are among the most common types of cases a Minneapolis personal injury lawyer will see, there are other types of vehicle crashes that occur. Bus accidents, boating, ATV, and snowmobile accidents all have their own risks and resulting injuries.

You should seek medical treatment immediately after any type of accident. Then seek representation from a proven law office where the personal injury attorneys work to get you financial compensation.  

Slip and Fall Accidents

Believe it or not, many people have suffered injuries from slip and fall accidents. Spinal injuries, fractures, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are the most common sustained injuries in falls.

When the owner of a business or property was negligent in maintaining their property, they are responsible for your accident. As such, they should cover all the costs that your injury has caused you.

Some examples of slip and fall accidents include liquid spills on flooring without any signage to warn of the imminent danger, snow and ice tracked indoors without being promptly cleaned, and worn tiles. Debris in walkways, wet flooring, and improperly maintained flooring can happen anywhere. A business owner can’t keep such things from happening, but they can act with due diligence to maintain and repair the property. If they are unable to make immediate repairs, they need to warn all visitors of the potential danger.

To win a personal injury claim, you need a Minneapolis personal injury lawyer on your side to prove negligence. By connecting with an injury law firm through 1-800-Injured, you will find a team that negotiates with the insurance company on your behalf for a fair settlement offer.

Medical Malpractice

There are many reasons why you may visit a doctor or a healthcare facility. When you do, medical malpractice may never cross your mind. After all, medical professionals take an oath to protect you and take the right precautions to give you proper care.

Unfortunately, this is not what always happens. Sometimes, doctors, medical professionals, and healthcare organizations fail to provide safe treatment. This can result in injuries that result in your pursuing a personal injury claim. If irresponsible medical care caused the death of someone you love, you should file a wrongful death claim.

Medical malpractice can leave behind lasting injuries through negligent or reckless actions. Surgical errors are shockingly common, especially those where a surgical instrument is left in the patient after the operation. Mix-ups also occur when charts are misread, and patients are provided the wrong surgery. Not only is it dangerous, but it also requires you to seek immediate medical care to repair the damage before it’s too late.

Doctors may also fail to diagnose a condition properly. Getting a second opinion after receiving a serious medical diagnosis is always a smart idea. However, you may wind up working with a medical professional who completely fails to properly identify your medical issue. This can lead to further complications, and quite possibly result in an untimely death.

While doctors are who most people picture when discussions of medical malpractice come up, they aren’t the only ones who can make serious errors. Sometimes, they write down the wrong prescription, but other times, it’s the pharmacist who provides a different medication than prescribed.

When prescription errors are made, many dangerous situations can arise. There could be dangerous drug interactions, damaging side effects, and allergic reactions. These mistakes may be fatal, which is why you must find a law firm that will hold the responsible parties accountable for medical malpractice.

Connect with 1-800-Injured to find a large network of medical malpractice attorneys in Minneapolis, MN who can get to work on your case. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical directory service that can help you find a diligent medical malpractice lawyer in your area.

Dog Bites

If you love dogs, Minneapolis, MN is a great city. You’ll find many dog owners here, and while their canines are usually well-behaved, all it takes is something unexpected to frighten a dog, causing them to bite someone.

As dog friendly as it is here, Minnesota law holds dog owners liable for the injuries caused by dog bites or attacks. In personal injury cases involving dog bites, the owner of the dog doesn’t need to be negligent, nor does the dog need to have a history of biting for the owner to be held liable.

If you were not trespassing on a property or provoking the dog in any way, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the dog owner. Bites from a dog can cause serious damage and may permanently impact your mobility and functionality. You should contact a personal injury law firm via 1-800-Injured to find representation that can get you financial compensation.


Metaverse Injuries

When the real world and the virtual world collide, it could result in an injury. 1-800-Injured personal injury lawyers have represented many injured clients of VR devices.

Meta Quest and other VR devices can make virtual life feel real. In fact, it can seem so real that you forget you’re playing a game until you wind up with a real injury. The people and objects you see through the headset aren’t really there, but you could hurt yourself on something in your home while believing you’re experiencing this reality.

As Metaverse injuries are a relatively new segment, an insurance company will try to find a way to blame you for the painful injuries you’ve sustained. They will argue it was your fault, and that you misused the VR device.

The personal injury lawyers at 1-800-Injured have seen what these VR devices can do in the real world. Since immersive games like these create a false sense of reality, you can be oblivious to the real dangers of other people or objects within your immediate surroundings. You may crash through a glass table in your home when in the virtual world, you were simply running for an exit to complete your game.

Safety regulations are not even close to where they need to be for protecting users of VR devices. Until then, it’s highly likely to see severe cuts and bruises or falls that result in concussions. Sprains and fractures are also common for those engaging in these games. Some are so severe that they may require surgery to repair the damage.

Additionally, this alternate universe of gaming can set off seizures for those that have certain medical conditions. The lights and patterns that are in some VR games can trigger photosensitive epilepsy. By falling down during a seizure, many gamers have endured concussions and other brain injuries.

Regardless of the type of injury, the medical bills you incur for a Metaverse injury will be costly. Contact 1-800-Injured to help you locate a personal injury lawyer you can discuss your case with today.

Man using VR

Product Liability

When a person or company produces a product, they take on a certain level of liability for their creation. Everyone in the supply chain for this product also has a level of responsibility to ensure it is safe for the person who will use the product.

By choosing products from a store or ordering them online, you likely feel safe and secure since these items are being sold to the public. However, when product defects arise, they can lead to injury or wrongful death.

The product you choose may have a manufacturing defect, meaning that as it was made or assembled, a mistake occurred. Companies are required to have strict quality control measures to prevent defective products from ever making it into the hands of consumers.

The product may have design defects, but this is far less common than defects that occur during the manufacturing process. However, when a design is defective and causes injuries, the person who designed and approved it for production is liable.

Another type of product liability claim is a marketing defect. Some products may neglect to provide proper warnings on the product. The product may have no problems, but without warning consumers of dangers that come from either using the product improperly or situations where they should avoid using it, it can lead to a personal injury claim.

If you were injured because of a defective product, you need to speak with an experienced personal injury law firm through 1-800-Injured. Request a free consultation today.

Workplace Accidents

No matter where you work, you could sustain an injury on the job. While construction workers have a greater risk of workplace injuries, even an office worker can get hurt. Workers’ compensation benefits exist for this very reason.

Workers’ compensation guarantees you coverage for your medical expenses and lost wages if you are hurt while performing the duties of your job. This is different from healthcare benefits which are elective, that usually kick in after working at a company for a specified amount of time. Workers’ compensation coverage begins the first day you start at a job and ends on the last day you work there.

Accidents at work can range from falls, trips, and slips to exposure to harmful chemicals. Most commonly, transportation accidents cause the largest number of injuries.

According to the graph below, Minnesota exceeds the national average for transportation accidents that result in fatal injuries in the workplace.

When you get hurt at work, seeking compensation for your injuries is different from other personal injury cases. Minnesota has a workers’ compensation system to cover injuries or illnesses caused by the workplace. It does not matter if you were careless and caused the accident since you do not need to prove negligence. You only need to prove that the injury or illness you sustained was work-related.

Minnesota law protects you from an employer or insurance company that won’t cover your medical expenses or wages. While most companies do the right thing, there are some that won’t report the incident or take too long to file the paperwork. Some of them will fire employees after an injury, while others won’t pay for disability benefits. For any of these scenarios where you aren’t getting your workers’ compensation benefits, you need to speak with a proven workers’ compensation attorney through 1-800-Injured.

In workers’ compensation claims, there may also be a third party that is not related to your employer who bears responsibility for your work injuries. For example, if the equipment you were using failed because of a manufacturing defect, you could file a personal injury claim against the manufacturer. Other times, you may be on the road for your job and get hit by another driver in a car accident.

When third parties are involved in accidents at the workplace, getting representation is imperative. Find a law firm to assist you through 1-800-Injured and recover compensation for your medical bills and more. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical directory that specializes in all matters of personal injury. Rather than criminal defense, family law, and other areas of the law, we will connect you with a law office that has the sole purpose of working with the injured. 

When Should I Hire a Personal Injury Law Firm?

After you have been injured, you must focus on healing from your injuries. This is the perfect time to contact 1-800-Injured, adirectory that can connect you to a personal injury lawyer. While you follow your doctor’s orders for recovery, a personal injury law firm can start working on your case.

In Minnesota, there are also time limits for filing a personal injury claim. Every lawyer will know these requirements and handle all necessary paperwork on your behalf on time. They will also represent you against the insurance company, gather evidence, and work to seek financial compensation for your damages.

Hiring a personal injury law firm as soon as possible means that you have less to worry about. Contact 1-800-Injured to speak with an attorney near you.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Minnesota?

There is a statute of limitations for personal injury in Minnesota, though it will depend on the claim involved. In car accidents where negligence is a factor, you will have six years from the date of your injury to file a claim.

If you were assaulted at work or harmed intentionally in cases of assault and battery, you will have two years to file. Additionally, this is another reason to stick with a law office that only does personal injury rather than criminal defense to ensure you have an attorney that has experience representing the injured.

In medical malpractice cases, you will have four years to file. If a family member has died because of the negligent actions of another person, you have three years from the date of death to file a wrongful death claim.

If you don’t submit your claim within the statute of limitations, you may lose any chance of being compensated for your injuries. Minnesota lawyers also know that certain government agencies may require the submission of formal notices for claims within 180 days of your injury. This is why you should contact a personal injury attorney using 1-800-Injured before the statute of limitations runs out.


Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

When you don’t have a background in law, it can be difficult to determine if your injury is one that merits a personal injury claim. The deciding factor is if your injuries were from an accident, such as a car accident, or another incident that was the result of someone else’s negligence.

It can’t hurt to speak to an attorney for a free consultation where you will learn whether or not it would be considered a personal injury. Experienced attorneys can look at all the facts to discover who is liable, determine if insurance should cover it, collect evidence, and document your injuries.

In personal injury cases, the other side may also be working to build a case against you in an attempt to negate your claims. For example, in a car accident case, an insurance company may try to claim you were completely or partially at fault. With a personal injury lawyer, you have someone to represent you that will talk to the insurance company on your behalf. Since attorneys know the laws, they will not say anything that can devalue your claim. The sooner you get representation, the better it will be to protect yourself from further issues.

Contact 1-800-Injured to find a car accident attorney or a lawyer that can assist you with personal injury matters.

What Damages Can I Claim For a Personal Injury?

You may be entitled to collect compensation for an array of damages in your personal injury claim, though it will depend on the circumstances of your case. Every car accident case differs in location, vehicles involved, road conditions, weather conditions, and various other elements. Each injury case will have its own factors that may impact the amount of compensation you can receive from your claim.


As such, you may be able to receive compensation for the following damages:

Medical Bills

All your costs associated with medical treatments are one of the most common damages that your attorney will fight to get for you. This will include your emergency room visit, surgeries, long-term therapy, rehabilitation, and prescriptions.

Property Damage

In a car accident, your car will likely have extensive damage that either requires costly repairs or a complete replacement. Other kinds of personal injury accidents may require compensation for repairing or replacing property that was damaged by the negligent party.

Lost Income

After any type of accident, you will need time to recover. You may lose wages you need to support your family. With a diligent attorney that you can find through the 1-800-Injured directory, you can seek recovery of your lost income for the time you were unable to work.

Lost Earning Capacity

If your injury impacts your ability to work, you may be able to recover compensation for your lost earning capacity, or the wages you could have earned in the future had the incident not occurred. It only applies in certain instances when injuries prevent the return to your previous position.


Compensation for disfigurement and scarring may be claimed even though they are non-economic damages, which are the type of compensatory damages that can’t be quantified by a specific dollar amount on a bill or statement. If your injuries changed the way you look, it could cause depression and other emotional struggles for the rest of your life.

Pain and Suffering

Many injuries will leave victims in great pain in the aftermath. Hiring an experienced attorney through 1-800-Injured will help you to prove that you have suffered intense pain.

Emotional Trauma

Did your accident leave you afraid to drive? Do you have trouble going outside after what has happened to you? Emotional trauma and distress are difficult to contend with. Don’t attempt to prove this on your own, and make sure you work with a lawyer that understands how your injuries can affect your emotional health.

Loss of Consortium

In some cases, your injuries could keep you from enjoying your relationship with your partner. You may be able to seek compensation for the loss of consortium.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Some injuries will render it impossible to do the things you once loved. Whether it was a sport, hobby, or spending quality time with your loved ones, if your life has been forever changed by this occurrence, an attorney can help you pursue damages.

Get a Personal Injury Attorney on the Case

When negligent and careless people negatively impact your life through injuries, it is time to seek help through aggressive attorneys. With 1-800-Injured, you can focus on recovering your health while a personal injury lawyer focuses on your case.

Contact us today to discuss your case.