Preparing For The 2022 Hurricane Season in Florida

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Oct 04, 2024

Preparing For The 2022 Hurricane Season in Florida

The 2022 hurricane season is just around the corner, and NOAA is warning residents in at-risk areas of an unusually active season. Floridians need to start preparing now.

Here are some simple tips to help you get ready:

Know Your Hurricane Risk

Florida is one of the most hurricane-prone states in the U.S., so it’s important to know if your home or business is in a hurricane evacuation zone. Check the maps at to find out whether or not you are in an elevated risk area, and continually check this information as each new hurricane develops.

Stock Up On Supplies

Hurricanes can cause power outages that last for days or even weeks. So it’s important to have a hurricane kit stocked with enough food, water, and other essentials to last you and your family for at least 72 hours.

Listen to the Local News

Once a hurricane is churning in the Atlantic, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest forecasts. The National Hurricane Center will be issuing regular updates on the storm’s path, intensity, and potential impacts. Sign up for local alerts and follow local news sources for the latest information on the hurricane season and any storms that may be headed our way.

Local news outlets will also be providing information on evacuation orders, road closures, and shelters.

Check Your Insurance Policies

Make sure you have enough coverage to protect your home or business in the event of damage from a hurricane. You should also make sure that your policy covers flooding and wind damage. If it doesn’t, you may want to consider adding it. Contact your policy provider to discuss your options, and don’t feel uncomfortable about asking specific questions about your coverage.

Are there policy limitations that you are not aware of, or restrictions that apply? Because representatives of the insurance company will usually be more concerned about the company’s interests, you may want to review your policy with an experienced attorney who can help you understand things as they benefit you.

In particular, does your policy cover the cost of rebuilding your home if it is completely destroyed? If not, you may want to consider getting a rider to cover that eventuality.

Prepare Your Generator

Have a generator on hand in case of a power outage, and make sure that you have the correct fuel for running it. Gasoline can go bad, so it’s important to have fresh fuel on hand.

Equally important is having the ability to power necessary utilities, meaning that you must have a generator cord that splits into a number of outlet or install a transfer switch that will allow you to power your entire home (or select zones or utilities) with your generator. This should be done by a professional electrician before an emergency.

Secure Your Home and Property

If a hurricane is coming, there are steps you can take to protect your home, such as boarding up windows and securing outdoor furniture. Take a look at the following pointers to get started.

Check Your Roof Thoroughly

Your roof is your first line of defense against high winds and flying debris, so make sure it is in good condition. Inspect it for loose tiles or shingles and repair any damage. If you notice any damage or areas that look any different than the rest of your roof, contact a professional roofing contractor to have it checked out. 

Hurricane straps are metal or nylon straps that help secure your roof to the rest of your house. They’re not required in all areas, but they can help keep your roof from being blown away in high winds.

Identify All Flood Risks

Whether your home has a basement or just a crawlspace, installing a sump pump can help protect your home from flooding. If you have any low areas that collect standing water throughout the year, these areas are especially vulnerable to flooding during a hurricane. 

Make sure any drains or gutters in these areas are clear and functioning properly, and if your yard does not have drains installed, now might be the time to think about these important features.

Clear Your Yard

Trees, shrubs, and other landscaping can become flying debris during a hurricane, so it’s important to clear any loose items from your yard. If you have any large trees, have them checked by a professional to ensure they are healthy and not at risk of falling. Trim any dead branches and remove any trees that are leaning.

In some cases, you may need to remove healthy trees from your property if they are located too close to your house or other buildings. Check your insurance policy to see if a tree’s proximity to your home will impact your ability to file a claim in the event that the tree falls and causes damage.

Check All Doors and Windows

Doors and windows are the weak spots in your home’s exterior, so it’s important to make sure they are properly sealed. Check for gaps and cracks around doors and windows and caulk or weatherstrip them as needed. If you have any windows that are cracked or broken, replace them with impact-resistant windows. This is a costly investment, but it could save your life — and your property.

If your windows are not impact-resistant, they will need to be protected from high winds and flying debris. You can do this by installing hurricane shutters or plywood over your windows. If you opt for plywood, make sure it is at least 5/8″ thick and that you have enough to cover all of your windows. In preparing for the 2022 hurricane season, make sure that each panel of plywood is cut and measured to fit each window, and label each board so you know exactly where each goes.

Make sure any doors leading outside are securely fastened and that the hinges are reinforced. Doors that swing open can become dangerous projectiles in high winds, so it’s important to take the necessary precautions, whether that means deadbolting all inward-opening doors or securing outward-swinging doors like storm doors with boards nailed across them.

Don’t forget about your garage door!

Your garage door is one of the most vulnerable exterior fixtures of your home during a hurricane. Make sure it is strong and reinforced, or consider replacing it with a hurricane-resistant door. If you have a garage door opener, make sure it is working properly and that there are no loose parts. Also make sure that you know how to use the door manually in the event that you lose power for an extended time and need access.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Your emergency kit should include enough food, water, and supplies to last you at least three days. It should also include a first-aid kit, a flashlight, and a battery-operated or hand-crank radio.

You will also need to have cash on hand, as ATMs will not be working during and after the storm. A good rule of thumb is to have $100 in small bills for each member of your family.

Other items you should consider adding to your emergency kit include:

  • Medications (enough to last at least a week)
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Clothing and bedding (enough for each person to have a change of clothes)
  • Important documents (birth certificates, passports, insurance information, etc.)
  • A list of emergency contacts
  • A map of the area, including evacuation details and escape routes

Create an Evacuation Plan

If you live in an area that is at risk for hurricanes, you need to have an evacuation plan in place. This plan should include a designated meeting spot for your family, as well as a route to get there. Make sure everyone in your family knows the plan and practice it regularly, and keep your gas tank full and your car in good working condition in case you need to evacuate.

Choose an out-of-state contact who everyone can call or text to check in with after the storm.

Evacuating With Pets

If you have pets, make sure to include them in your evacuation plans. Many shelters do not allow animals, so you will need to make arrangements in advance for their care.

Evacuating Your Valuables

You should also have a plan for what to do with your valuables if you need to evacuate. If possible, keep them with you, but if not, make sure they are stored in a safe place where they will not be damaged by flooding or high winds, such as a fireproof and waterproof safe.

If You Can’t Evacuate, Plan to Shelter In Place

If you are not able to evacuate before the storm, seek refuge in a sturdy building away from windows and doors. If you are in a high-rise building, go to a small interior room on the lowest floor possible. If you live in a mobile home or trailer, get out and seek shelter elsewhere.

Contact 1-800-Injured To Connect With a Hurricane Attorney 

Preparing your home for hurricane season doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these simple tips, you can help make sure you and your family are prepared for whatever the 2022 hurricane season brings. 

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service, and we can connect you with a hurricane lawyer in the unfortunate event that you need to file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance policy after a storm.