Accident Claims

Finding the Right Accident Claims Attorney

Have you recently been injured in an accident? If so, you are certainly looking for an accident claims attorney in your area that is well versed in the particular type of accident that you have experienced. If you go online and do a Google search, you will find a hundred different attorneys claiming that they are the best, but how do you know which one is really right for you?

At 1-800-Injured, we can help you locate an experienced and knowledgeable attorney for your situation. Our comprehensive site allows you to narrow your search by personal injury type and location.

Once you have located an attorney in our network, they will send a representative to you to discuss your case. You will never have to worry about finding a doctor because 1-800-Injured attorneys work with doctors in our network. Once the doctor has set up a treatment plan, we can assist you in following that plan.

Document work

The attorney you select from our site will fight hard to get you the maximum amount of money for your personal injury case. There are a few tips you can follow to make sure that everything goes well with this process.

What To Do After An Accident

When you are injured in an accident, call 911 and remain at the scene. Exchange information with the other driver and wait for the police. When the police arrive, tell them everything you remember about the accident, but never admit to guilt. Even if you think the crash may have been your fault, there may be circumstances of which you are unaware or circumstances that you may not take into consideration when you are in a panicked state.

Be sure to get the names of any witnesses that are at the scene. If you are near businesses, ask if they have security cameras with footage that they may be willing to share. Take pictures of the damages to your car and that of the other driver. Be sure to tell the police officer that you want a copy of the accident report or the case number.

Allow the paramedics to examine you. If you are transported to the hospital, get a copy of the complete bill and save the receipt for any medications that you have to take.

Are You In A Fault Or No-Fault State?

You will want to call the insurance company as soon as you get home. Which insurance company, you ask? Well, that depends on whether you are in a fault or no fault state.

The state of Florida is one of only 16 states that has a no-fault insurance law. If you live in a no-fault state and you are a driver, you are required to have insurance pursuant to the personal injury protection law or PIP. In the event of an accident, your insurance company will pay for your injuries and damages to your vehicle and the other driver's insurance company will pay for their injuries and damages to their vehicle no matter who is at fault.

If your expenses exceed your amount of coverage, you may be able to file a claim against the other driver's insurance company. The laws vary according to state.

When a driver is at fault, they are considered negligent. If a driver is negligent in a fault state, that driver's insurance company is responsible for paying the bills related to an accident. There are three types of fault states.

Pure Comparative

In a pure comparative fault jurisdiction, each driver's insurance company is responsible for paying their portion of the bill. If you caused 10 percent of an accident and the other driver caused 90 percent of an accident, your insurance company would be responsible for 10 percent of the other driver's bill and the other party's insurance company would be responsible for 90 percent of your bill.

Modified Pure Comparative Negligence

Most fault states use a modified pure comparative negligence model for personal injury accidents. This means that the insurance company of the driver who is most at fault must pay for the other driver's portion of the accident. If you are injured in an accident and it is determined that you are 10 percent at fault, the other driver's insurance would have to pay for 90 percent of the settlement. Your insurance company would have to pay nothing to the other driver.

If you live in a pure comparative state or modified comparative state, and your bills exceed the amount of insurance for which the other driver is insured, you may want to talk to your attorney about suing them for damages. If you have been injured by a commercial vehicle, such as a truck or bus, your attorney will be able to advise you about any additional damages you may be able to recover.

Pure Contributory

There are only four states in the USA that are pure contributory states. If your state has a pure contributory law, you can only recover money from the at-fault driver's insurance company if you were zero percent at fault. If you live in the states of Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia or if you live in the nation's capital, you are going to need a good attorney to advocate for you and get the money you deserve.

Other Kinds of Personal Injury Claims

Our service is not limited to locating auto accident attorneys. We can help you locate a lawyer if you have had a slip and fall accident, if you are the victim of medical malpractice, or if you and your family have lost someone in an accident.

Slip and Fall

If you have been injured at an office or store, you may be entitled to compensation. If you have such an accident, you want to talk to the manager of the business, let them know what happened and get the name of their insurance company. An attorney can help you negotiate with the insurance company for a fair settlement.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a complex subject and a malpractice case will require the assistance of an attorney who is well versed in the area of medicine that the doctor in question practices. Recent tort reform has made medical malpractice cases more difficult to pursue. However, if you feel you are entitled to compensation in a medical malpractice case, the right attorney can fight for you to get the money to which you are entitled.

Wrongful Death

If you have lost a loved one in an accident, you may want to consider suing the responsible party for wrongful death in civil court. You can sue for both economic and emotional losses in this type of suit. Wrongful death laws vary from state to state and a good attorney can advise you as to what damages are recoverable in your part of the country.

Where To Find A Personal Injury Lawyer

Our website can help you to find an ideal personal injury attorney for your situation. The attorneys in the network that we provide will work to recover such expenses as damages to your vehicle as well as compensation for diminished value. A good attorney can even get you compensation for car rentals and time you missed off of work. Your attorney can help you recover medical bills for bodily injury and future medical bills.

An accident can be a traumatizing, time consuming and costly experience. The right attorney can help you alleviate some of the stress involved in having an accident and get you back on the right path.