The Most Dangerous Roads in DC

One Way Street

If you live or commute in and around Washington DC, you probably already have a list of roads and intersections you either prefer to avoid or detest traveling through. Whether you are a cyclist, a driver, pedestrian, or you use other forms of transportation to get around the city, there are many roads that can put you at an increased risk of being hurt — or even killed — in an accident.

The team at Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers LLP is here to help you through the difficult process of sorting out your legal issues after a crash that someone else caused. Working directly with an insurance company is fraught with problems that all stem from the insurance company’s primary goal of settling your claim for as little as possible. You deserve comprehensive and aggressive legal representation after your crash, with a personal injury attorney handling every detail of your claim while you focus on recovery.

New York Ave and Florida Ave NE

If you live or work in Washington DC and ever find yourself passing through Mt. Vernon Square, you already know that this intersection is extremely dangerous when it comes to car accidents, pedestrian accidents, cyclist accidents, and all other road crashes. The fact that this is an intersection of two major cross-town roads with multiple lanes of cars — all trying to get to where they want to be at once — makes for an increased potential for an accident. 

In fact, the Washington Examiner named this intersection as the top “Tier 1” Worst Intersection in the city, for good reason. Anyone who commutes through this intersection should have a car accident attorney on speed dial.



Pennsylvania Ave. and 12th Street, NW

Washington DC is a major tourist destination — and for good reason. The National Mall, the many public museums, and countless historical sites are just a few great examples of what brings tourists from across the country and across the world to our beautiful city. While tourists are an important part of our local economy, we can all agree that it’s easy to identify a tourist by their unpredictability near the roads, which is why the intersection of Penn and 12th NW is a dangerous one.

In fact, the entirety of Pennsylvania Ave NW is a stretch to stay mindful of. Especially in warmer months, this area is a hotspot for car accidents involving or pedestrians and tourists. If you are in an accident in this area, call our law firm now to schedule your free case evaluation.



Pennsylvania Ave. and Anacostia Freeway SE

Again, unsurprisingly, Pennsylvania Ave makes the list of most dangerous roads in DC — this time on the SE corridor at the Anacostia Freeway interchange. Particularly during commuting hours, this area becomes incredibly congested, and the risks of rear-end accidents, sideswipes, and lane change collisions all increase. Highly congested areas like this are also a major risk for bike commuters who face the chance of getting doored, edged out of a bike lane by a drifting vehicle, or struck by a turning driver who failed to check all oncoming lanes of travel.

Regardless of the type of accident, you were involved in, whether a fender bender or catastrophic collision, we encourage you to contact our law firm as soon as possible to get experienced legal guidance throughout your insurance claims process. We are here to help you get the money you deserve while you are able to focus on your recovery.



14th Street and U Street, NW

The U Street Corridor, right outside of the Dupont Circle neighborhood, is another high-risk area when it comes to all sorts of traffic accidents. This area is particularly dangerous at night when there is an increased risk of drunk drivers leaving the many popular nightlife spots around the intersection. Even when nightlife is factored out of this area, this is still a major North-South corridor through the city that sees a lot of traffic every day.

The good news is that whether you are struck by a drunk driver, involved in an accident while riding in an Uber, hit by a car on a cycle, or even in a collision while on foot, the team at Balkin Law Group is here to help. Contact us as soon as possible to arrange a free consultation.



No Matter Where You Are In DC, You Are Always At Risk

While these roads and intersections are certainly worthy of the “Most Dangerous” superlatives in our city, the reality is that there is nowhere in DC where you will be absolutely safe from the risk of an accident. Each day we leave our homes, we put our faith in countless strangers and the expectation that they uphold their ends of our social contract — in personal injury, their “duty of care.” A duty of care is the expectation, whether implicit or explicit that an individual will act with prudence and judgment in order to reasonably avoid accidents or injuries to others caused by negligence, recklessness, or malice. 

If you have been hurt in an accident that someone else caused, you may be entitled to compensation through a personal injury claim. Oftentimes, the team at Balkin Law Group is able to reach a settlement agreement without going to court, but even if we do need to file a lawsuit and bring your case in front of a judge, we will work aggressively to reach the best outcome for you and ensure that you do not take on the financial burden of someone else’s dangerous behavior.

Contact us as soon as possible to speak directly with an experienced legal professional about your situation and learn more about how we can help you move forward.