Burn Injury Lawyer Washington DC

Burn hand

Burns can range from minor irritations to life-changing or even fatal injuries, and the recovery from a non-fatal serious burn can have a significant toll on the victim and their loved ones alike. Burns can result from a variety of accident types, such as open flames, exposure to caustic chemicals, prolonged exposure to radiation, and more. Regardless of the specifics of the origins of your burn, if it was caused by someone’s negligence, recklessness, or criminal behavior, then you may be entitled to compensation in the form of a tort claim. Tort claims are meant to recover compensation for an injured party in order to compensate for a range of losses and damages including things like medical bills, lost wages, and a variety of other impacts that such a serious accident can have on their life. 

While it may be comforting to know that there is a path towards recovering monetary compensation for your injuries and suffering, the process itself can be overwhelming for a victim — especially as they are attempting to focus on recovery without taking on additional stressors and legal burdens. This is where a personal injury attorney comes in, and why you should contact the team at Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers LLP today. You will be able to work directly with a burn injury lawyer in our Washington DC firm, and as they fight for the money you deserve, you can focus on healing.


We offer a free initial consultation and case evaluation for personal injury victims, including those suffering from burn injuries. During this consultation, we will be able to go through the specifics of your situation, including how your burns were caused and by whom, the impacts that these injuries have had on your life, and more. In addition to discussing your experience with an attorney, you will be able to get a clear understanding of how our firm works and the quality of representation that you can expect from a burn injury attorney at Balkin Law Group. This first conversation can have a significant impact on your stress by answering many unknown questions and giving your clarity on the path forward.

Read more below about burn injuries, and contact our firm now to get started on the fight for fair compensation for your injuries. The sooner we are working together, the sooner you can focus solely on your recovery knowing that there is a dedicated and aggressive legal professional fighting on your behalf.


Burns are categorized by degree, which is an indication of the severity. The following are brief overviews of each burn degree.

First-Degree Burns

First-degree burns are the least serious and are characterized by redness, itchiness, and minor swelling. These types of burns only affect the outermost layer of the skin, and rarely — if ever — leave scarring or permanent discoloration. This type of burn will not blister.

Second-Degree Burns

A second-degree burn is more serious than a first-degree burn and is characterized by damage to the outer layer of skin as well as the dermis, which is the next layer underneath. These types of burns are more painful and will be bright red and possibly shiny. These types of burns also cause blisters and may lead to light scarring or permanent discoloration to the affected area upon recovery.

Third-Degree Burns

A third-degree burn may also be referred to as a “full-thickness burn,” and completely destroys the outer two layers of the skin. These burns may not be painful due to nerve damage and are prone to infection. These burns are characterized by black or brown burns, or “charred” areas, and will leave permanent scarring. Depending on the specifics of the burn, a victim may need a skin graft or other surgery. These burns can be life-threatening.

Fourth-Degree Burns

This is the most serious type of burn and is characterized by burning all the way through each layer of skin, muscle, and tissue down to the bone. These burns may be life-threatening and will require immediate and ongoing medical care in order to facilitate a safe recovery. Amputation may be required for the affected area in order to stop the spread of infection and to focus on a healthy recovery.


The following are a few of the most common causes of burns in personal injury cases but is not meant to be an exhaustive list. If you do not see the cause of your burn below, contact us now to discuss the specifics with a burn attorney in Washington DC. Remember, in order to seek compensation from someone else for your burn injuries, there must be clear liability on their behalf. Your attorney will set out to prove fault and liability before anything else to ensure that you will be able to file a claim.

Exposure to Caustic Chemicals

Whether you work around harmful chemicals or you are inadvertently exposed to them due to something like a crash or accident, exposure to dangerous chemicals can cause serious burns. If you were exposed to these chemicals due to someone else’s negligence or recklessness, the team at Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers will help you understand your rights and options for building a case and seeking compensation.

Vehicle Accidents

Car accidents can lead to burns in a number of ways, whether they are friction burns during a motorcycle or pedestrian accident, or you are burned when flammable liquids ignite following the crash. Of course, there are many other ways that someone can be hurt by burns in a vehicle accident, and if someone else caused the accident, then you may be able to file a personal injury claim against them.


Electrocutions are one of OSHA’s “Fatal Four,” which are the four highest types of risk fatalities on job sites. Electrocutions can be fatal, but a non-fatal electrocution accident can cause serious burns. If you or a loved one is electrocuted by a downed wire, a faulty electrical installation, or any other way that someone else failed their duty of care to you, contact us now to learn about how to get the money you deserve.

Apartment Fires

If you live in an apartment or rented home and are hurt in an apartment fire due to maintenance issues, your landlord may be held accountable for the fire and you may be entitled to compensation as a result. These situations can be confusing, so working with an attorney as soon as possible is the best way to get clarity on your accident and understand how to best move forward. Call Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers LLP today.