Washington D.C. Brain Injury Lawyer

Head X Ray

Brain injuries of any severity can have lasting, serious impacts on a victim’s life, and must be treated with the utmost care by a doctor as soon as possible. Traumatic brain injuries are commonly associated with impact accidents like car crashes, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, or pedestrian accidents, but are also common in assaults and any other instance where the head has experienced blunt trauma. For a long time, concussions were written off as “getting your bell rung,” and were not taken as seriously as they should be. With modern research using CT and MRI scans, we now know that even a minor concussion can lead to major issues for a victim that could be avoided with appropriate medical intervention.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury resulting from someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or malice, you may be eligible to seek compensatory damages from the responsible party or their insurance company in the form of a tort claim. Typically the first step is to file a claim with the insurance company, but many people stop at this step and do not take the necessary further steps to get the money they deserve. Instead, they accept the insurance company’s initial offer for far less than what they are owed. This is where a brain injury lawyer in Washington D.C. comes in handy. 

Contact Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers, LLP Today For a Free Consultation About Your Brain Injury Case

Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers, LLP offers a free initial consultation to victims of brain injuries caused by others so that we can further discuss this situation from a legal perspective. Trying to take on an insurance company alone often leads to settlement agreements for much less than what the victim rightfully deserves. Many who accept these early offers later realize that they had options available that could have got them more. Insurance companies leverage the stress and discomfort that a victim experiences as their medical bills pile up, their sick days and vacation time run out, and the impacts of their injuries begin to become clear. Instead of accepting the first offer, your attorney will spend the necessary time tabulating ALL of the damages that you have suffered and seeking the money you are entitled to for your suffering.

Read more below about brain injuries and how a brain injury lawyer in Washington D.C. can help you get the money you are rightfully entitled to. Contact us as soon as possible so we may get started on your unique case today.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

A brain injury can be caused by a range of incidents. Many victims of low-speed car accidents realize that, although they didn’t feel injured at first, they actually suffered a low-grade concussion that requires medical treatment. The following are some of the most common causes of brain injuries seen in tort cases in Washington D.C. and across the United States. Whether or not the cause of your own injuries are mentioned below, contact Balkin Law Group Injury Lawyers, LLP as soon as possible to discuss your situation with an experienced legal professional 

Vehicle Accidents

Car, motorcycle, or pedestrian-vehicle accidents are very common causes of traumatic brain injuries as the victim’s head is hit by the vehicle or makes contact with the ground after the initial collision. Even a minor accident or seemingly-insignificant bump on the head can cause damage to the brain and surrounding tissues, so it is important after any impact to the head or skull that the victim sees a medical professional, and likely, go under a CT or MRI scan to check the extent of the damage.

Slips and Falls

The leading cause of traumatic brain injuries in the United States are slips, trips, and falls, many of which may be issues of premises liability. If you visit someone’s property and are injured due to a hazard caused by maintenance issues, faulty infrastructure, or any other issue that falls under the owner’s duty of reasonable care, then you may be eligible to file a claim against them to seek both economic and non-economic damages for your injuries. 


Assault and other violent acts are often associated with blunt trauma to the head, which can often cause a concussion or other traumatic brain injury. If you or a loved one has been the victim of an assault or criminal act of violence, you can seek compensation from the defendant in civil court, even while they are going through a criminal trial for the same crime. The outcome of their criminal trial has no bearing on your civil case, and the burden of proof in a civil case is far lower, meaning that even if they are acquitted or the case is dismissed, you may still win your tort claim.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is any situation where a licensed medical professional fails to provide a patient with reasonable, prudent care, meaning that they diverged from normal care and there were injuries caused as a result. Dangerous prescription interactions can cause brain injuries, as can improper anesthesia, oxygen loss, and any other number of medical incidents where the licensed professional overseeing the care may be guilty of malpractice. 

When To Hire a Washington D.C. Brain Injury Attorney

Many people believe that there isn’t an issue with filing a claim with the insurance company on their own and going through the initial claims investigation without an attorney. The process itself is simple, and the claims adjusters are generally good-natured and pleasant to work with. This is a feature of this process that’s implemented by insurance companies to keep people from feeling like they need outside help. Too often, people do not choose to hire an attorney until after the insurance company has returned with a shockingly low settlement offer.

The reality is this: the sooner you are partnered with an experienced brain injury lawyer, the more time they will have to build a comprehensive case on your behalf. In addition, your attorney will be able to interface with the insurance company while you focus on your recovery without taking on the additional stress and emotional burden of this process. Once your immediate medical concerns are addressed, one of the next steps you should consider is to hire an attorney who can guide you through the rest of your claim towards a settlement you deserve.