Personal Injury Attorney in Albuquerque

With 562,599 residents, Albuquerque is the largest city in New Mexico. There is always a lot going on in town. Tourism is back on the rise and so is construction. The more people there are in a city, the more accidents there will be. The more accidents there are, the more injuries emergency rooms will see.

If you are injured in an accident, your priority should be getting well. However, getting well is very expensive and you are going to need a way to pay for all those bills. If your injuries were caused by the negligence of another person or a company, You will need to file a personal injury claim with their insurance company. 

Insurance companies are often tight-fisted when it comes to paying claims. Chances are, you will need a personal injury attorney who specializes in the type of accident that you have had. 

You can find a personal injury lawyer at the 1-800-injured. We are a legal and medical directory service that focuses on personal injury cases. The attorneys you will find on our site are seasoned professionals who are committed to working diligently on every case that they get.

Albuquerque Skyline

Types of Personal Injury Cases

There are a lot of ways to hurt yourself out there and there are many ways other people can cause your injuries. There are several different categories of personal injury claims. You should find an attorney who specializes in the type of personal injury case that you have.

Car Accident Injury

Injuries from car accidents are the most common type of personal injury lawsuit. 470 people lost their lives in car accidents in 2021 in the state of New Mexico. There were also many catastrophic injuries.

Incidents of drunk driving decreased in 2021, but aggressive driving, speeding, and distracted driving were on the rise. The year saw many pedestrian-involved accidents. The high percentage of accidents has been blamed on poor street design. There are more accidents in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods than there are in neighborhoods with a higher rate of income. 

When you are injured in a car accident, it is important to get the names and telephone numbers of any witnesses at the scene and take pictures if it is at all possible.

You should also request a copy of the police report. An insurance company will need to see this evidence to process your claim. Your personal injury lawyer will also need this information to build your case.

Product Liability  

Sometimes people get injured due to a poorly designed or poorly manufactured product. Product liability cases are far and away the most lucrative kind of personal injury claim. When a product is faulty, It often results in a class action lawsuit. There are three basic types of product liability claims. 

1. Defective Design 

In some cases, a product is doomed from the start because it is simply designed poorly. The Ford Pinto is one of the most famous defective design personal injury cases. The inexpensive car was notoriously dangerous because of its strap-on gas tank which caused it to explode into flames even in low-impact collisions. 

2. Defective Manufacturing

In some cases, the design of a product might be just fine but the manufacturing plant messes up and puts the product together incorrectly. A manufacturer who makes a mistake that causes people to become injured may be sued by the injured parties and also by the designer of the products. An example of a defective manufacturing case would be breast implants that leak or snack foods that are contaminated.

3. Failure to Provide Warnings

Certain products have warning labels on them for a good reason. A bottle of over-the-counter medicine will tell you what a proper dose is and a bottle of cleaning fluid will tell you not to keep it near an open flame. If a company fails to give you the proper instructions for using a product or they do not tell you about the dangers involved with using the product, they can be sued for failing to provide warnings. Philip Morris has been repeatedly sued for failing to provide warnings on its cigarette packages. They have also been sued for designing a product that is addictive.

If you believe you have a product liability suit, you must contact an attorney If you want compensation. You will have to sue the company Instead of just filing an insurance claim. The attorney will have to research the case to see if you have a valid suit. They may put out feelers to see if anyone else has experienced the same thing that you have.

Product liability suits are incredibly complex. They may require months or even years of research. Although a certain product liability incident may seem obvious, it takes a trained attorney to know what kind of liability suit you have and who you should sue.

Medical Malpractice

If a healthcare provider injures you in some way, you will file a medical malpractice claim. There are many different things that a healthcare provider can do wrong. The most typical types of medical malpractice cases include:

  • Over- or under-prescribing medications
  • Prescribing the wrong medication
  • Improperly cleaned surgical tools
  • Intensive care mistakes such as administering the wrong drugs
  • Surgical mistakes
  • Misdiagnosis

Wrongful Death

Losing a member of your family to an accident is very painful. If that person was a working member of your household, you may suffer financially as well. If a person or company caused your loved one’s death, you can file a wrongful death suit against them.

New Mexico law dictates that only the personal representative of the decedent’s estate can file a wrongful death suit. However, multiple people can benefit from such a suit. The damages you can get from a wrongful death suit include funeral expenses, lost income, loss of affection and camaraderie, and emotional distress.

When you call 1-800-injured, we will be able to connect you with an Albuquerque personal injury lawyer who specializes in wrongful death claims. We look for someone who has a reputation for being an aggressive litigator and has a proven record of wins in court.

What Kinds of Compensation Are Available for an Albuquerque Injury Lawsuit?

After you have gone to the doctor and received a diagnosis, you will file an insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. They will assign your case to an insurance adjuster and they will investigate your case. The adjuster will approve or deny your claim. If they approve of it, they will offer you a settlement amount. 

Getting injured in an accident can affect your life in several different ways. Therefore, there are a few different types of damages that an insurance company may pay out.

Medical Expenses

Medical bills are the biggest expense you will have when you have a personal injury case. Medical bills will include:

  • Surgery  
  • Doctor visits
  • Medications 
  • Physical therapy
  • Psychiatric treatment

You should save a copy of every medical bill that you get. You should even save the bills for any alternative treatments that you have such as cryogenic therapy or massage therapy. In some cases, a personal injury attorney may be able to get you compensation for alternative treatments.

Lost Wages

Taking care of injuries is very time-consuming. Most doctors will not see you at night when you get off of work. You will need to take time off of your job to go to the doctor. 

You should ask the human resources director of the company you work for to write you a letter stating the number of hours you have missed from work. The letter should also detail the dollar amount of money you have lost as a result. If you miss training or promotional opportunities, Ask your HR director to include that in the letter. 

If you are self-employed, write a letter yourself. You should also make a copy of your previous year’s tax return.

Costs for Household Services 

When you have been injured in an accident, it can be very difficult to do ordinary household tasks. If you are unable to clean the house because of your injuries, save bills for any housekeeping services that you need.

If you cannot drive because of your injuries, save the bills from any ride-sharing services or taxis that you take. If you cannot care for your children, save the receipts for any daycare services you need.

Pain and Suffering 

Not all damages are tangible. When a person is injured in an accident, they may become severely depressed. They may suffer from anxiety as well. If your injuries are permanently debilitating or if you have been permanently disfigured, you may be entitled to damages for pain and suffering. 

Pain and suffering is a legal term that simply means non-economic damages. Insurance companies do not like to pay for pain and suffering. If your life has been seriously affected by your accident, You will need an attorney who specializes in personal injury law To help you get this important kind of compensation.

Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

Let’s suppose that you have filed your insurance claim and the insurance adjuster has approved your case. They have offered you a certain amount of money as a settlement. It is never a good idea to take that settlement without speaking to an attorney.

The majority of personal injury attorneys who use our network offer free consultations to injury victims. You have nothing to lose by contacting one. You can show them all of the evidence that you have and the amount of money that the insurance company has offered you. They can tell you if they think you can get more money.

Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis meaning you will only pay if they can get more money for you. The average injury attorney takes 25% to 40% of a settlement.

How Personal Injury Claims Work in New Mexico

Once you hire a personal injury attorney, they will contact the insurance company on your behalf and try to negotiate a better settlement. 

An experienced lawyer will be knowledgeable about insurance law and how much various treatments cost. Hence, they will have a good idea of how much you should be compensated for your injuries. A professional lawyer is a trained negotiator who will know what arguments to use when speaking with an insurance company.

In most cases, they will be able to settle and you will get your money. If the insurance company still won’t budge, you and your attorney can discuss a lawsuit. 

If you decide to sue the insurance company, you will file a lawsuit with the appropriate court. The court will normally be determined by the amount of money for what you are asking.

Once you have filed your lawsuit, The insurance company will be served with papers and your attorney will try to negotiate with them once again.

If they are still unable to reach a deal, Your case will go to the discovery phase where your attorney and the insurance company’s attorney share information with one another. After the discovery phase, they will negotiate again. If they still cannot reach a deal, the court might ask them to speak with a mediator.

If the mediator does not work, the case will have a deposition. Witnesses will be called to testify just as they would be in a courtroom. There is no judge or jury in a deposition. Often the testimony of witnesses will be recorded. If an agreement cannot be reached after all of that, the case will go to trial. Very few personal injury cases ever reach a courtroom.

Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation

If you Google, “Albuquerque personal injury lawyers,” quite a few names will come up. There is no way you will be able to tell the good from the bad. If you go to 1-800-Injured, you can look at each law firm and see the lawyer’s qualifications. We also have doctors listed on our website. Visit our site today.

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