Personal Injury Lawyer Duluth, MN

An injury can set a victim back significantly in all areas of their life, leading to costly medical bills, a painful recovery process, and major impacts to their earnings as they work through this major disruption. When someone else causes the incident that leads to the injuries, victims or their family members may have the right to seek compensation through a personal injury claim — commonly handled by the at-fault party’s insurance company or through workers’ compensation in the event of a workplace injury.

Personal injury law provides victims with a pathway to recover fair compensation for the many different impacts of their injuries — collectively referred to as “damages,” but the unfortunate reality is that insurance companies and defense attorneys are focused on settling personal injury claims as quickly as possible while minimizing (or outright avoiding) liability and paying as little as necessary to avoid any further legal issues. Whether you are filing an insurance claim or a lawsuit, this fact remains true, which is why working with an experienced personal injury lawyer is one of the most important things that a victim can do to improve their chances of getting the compensation they deserve.

Duluth Downtown City Skyline

Contact 1-800-Injured to Connect With Duluth Personal Injury Lawyers Today

1-800-Injured is a Lawyer & Medical Directory that connects Minnesota personal injury victims with Duluth lawyers for a free consultation about their case. We understand that the days and weeks following a serious injury can be chaotic, and the thought of reaching out to law firms to request consultations and speak with personal injury lawyers can feel like too much to ask for. 

Instead of going through the entire process of finding a personal injury lawyer on your own, we will connect you with a trusted attorney where you can discuss your situation in detail and get specific answers about your unique case. A major point of stress following a personal injury is trying to make sense of how things like lost wages and medical bills will ever be paid for, but after speaking with a Duluth personal injury attorney you will have a clear understanding of what happens next, and can stay focused on your recovery while your legal representation fights to get you the compensation you deserve.

Read more below to learn about the importance of working with a personal injury attorney in Minnesota in order to hold the at-fault party accountable and improve your chances of getting the money you are entitled to.

Types of Accidents Personal Injury Law Covers

The following are just a few of the many different personal injury cases that a Duluth personal injury lawyer may handle. Whether or not you see the cause of your injuries below, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible to connect with an attorney in Duluth, Minnesota for a free consultation where you can learn all about your rights as a victim and how the attorney can help you move forward with your case.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Whether you have been involved in a car accident, motorcycle crash, or a collision with a commercial truck, a personal injury attorney with a proven record will have built their legal career pursuing financial compensation for clients who have been hurt in motor vehicle accidents. Your attorney will be able to work directly with the insurer, carry out an in-depth investigation to gather evidence of the other party’s negligence, calculate and then negotiate the damages you are owed, and work towards a fair settlement that won’t leave you struggling with the impacts of someone else’s dangerous driving.

Premises Liability

Each time you legally visit someone else’s property, you have a right to expect that the owner and/or manager of the premises has taken reasonable steps to ensure that you are not injured due to a hazardous condition. Things like wet floors, bunched rugs, improper lighting, dangerous stairways, and icy walkways are just a few examples of the many different causes of premises liability incidents that a Duluth personal injury lawyer will be able to help you through.

Construction Accidents

According to OSHA, the construction industry is the second-most dangerous industry in Minnesota, with a total of 56 fatalities reported between 2014 and 2018 (the most recent data available at this time).

Graph - Deaths by crash type

Construction is just one of many different industries where workers commonly file workers’ compensation cases in order to recover benefits including lost wages, medical bills, and the possibility of social security disability in the event that the injuries are lasting or permanent. While workers’ compensation claims are much simpler and less contentious than personal injury claims, it’s important to have an attorney handle these legal issues to ensure that all work injury benefits are included.

Medical Malpractice

When someone visits a medical professional, they have a right to expect that their issues will be handled seriously and with extreme attention to detail; unfortunately, this is not always the case. Medical malpractice cases stem from incidents where doctors and other practitioners fail to provide adequate care, including situations like failures to diagnose an illness properly or at all, prescription errors, surgical mistakes, and more. Medical malpractice can lead to significant, even fatal, injuries that can leave a victim suffering for a long time to come.

Dog Bites

According to the Minnesota Statutes Section 347.22: “If a dog, without provocation, attacks or injures any person who is acting peaceably in any place where the person may lawfully be, the owner of the dog is liable in damages to the person so attacked or injured to the full amount of the injury sustained.” A dog attack can leave a victim suffering from years of emotional distress and physical pain that Duluth personal injury attorneys can help seek compensation for.

Product Liability

If you or a loved one has been hurt or killed while using a product that either failed to provide adequate warning about safety measures or led to an injury due to a design or manufacturing flaw, you may have the right to file a personal injury case against a number of companies along the supply chain. Filing a lawsuit against a company can be intimidating, but working with personal injury attorneys is one of the best ways to fight to recover compensation for things like medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering — among many others — that you are entitled to as a result of the company’s failure to provide a safe product.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death is a personal injury case where the accident led to fatal injuries, and will include additional damages like the long-term loss of financial support, loss of consortium and companionship, emotional suffering from the loss, as well as things like funeral and burial costs, end of life care, and more. During this difficult time, surviving family members will benefit from partnering with compassionate Duluth personal injury attorneys who will give the family members the space they need to focus on healing while the attorney fights to recover compensation through a personal injury claim.

Damages You May Be Owed From a Personal Injury Claim

No two personal injury cases are alike, but the following are just a few of the many different aspects of financial compensation that an attorney in Duluth, MN will investigate, calculate, and negotiate for on your behalf. The impacts a victim suffers will vary greatly depending on the person, so your case will have a unique set of damages — as well as a unique dollar amount each is worth:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income (both current and future)
  • Impacts to earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Social security disability payments
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Cost of devices to assist with recovery or daily tasks

Remember that this list is not exhaustive. Once you have an attorney in Duluth, Minnesota providing you with personal attention, they will be able to help you make sense of all of these damages and more.

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