Orthopedic Hip Arthroplasty Surgery in Florida

Hip XRay

The hips are essential for many basic tasks such as walking, running, and even standing up without discomfort. Sore hips are common after physical activities like swimming, biking, carrying heavy objects, and more. They are most often treated with rest and mild pain medication, but persistent or severe hip pain may indicate a greater issue. Suppose you are suffering from chronic or intense hip pain. In that case, you will benefit from working with a healthcare specialist who can help you make sense of your situation and identify a treatment plan that can get you back to enjoying your life without constant debilitating pain. 

One way to treat ongoing hip pain is with a total hip replacement surgery. This is a common procedure that helps thousands of Americans regain their independence and experience freedom from pain, but connecting with a hip arthroplasty specialist is the first step in determining whether or not this is the appropriate course of treatment for your situation. You can find a hip arthroplasty specialist by calling 1-800-Injured. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service that can connect you with an experienced and certified professional in your area. 

Common Conditions Treated With Hip Arthroplasty

Many different kinds of hip pain can be treated with conservative, non-invasive methods like physical therapy, chiropractic work, and pain medication, but if the pain is persistent, gets worse, or severely limits the sufferer’s ability to carry out normal tasks like walking or sleeping, a total hip replacement may be the necessary solution.

Some of the most common conditions that are addressed with hip replacement surgery include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteonecrosis, and bone fractures. Whether or not these examples specifically describe your situation, you and your doctor will need to work together to identify the best treatment for you.

Types of Hip Replacement Surgery

Depending on the nature of your hip problems, there are two types of hip arthroplasty:

Posterior Hip Replacement

This is the traditional hip replacement method. In this method, the surgeon will approach the hip from the back and side to allow for clear visuals of the operation. With a clear line of sight to the operation, the risk of complications is reduced, but the procedure is more invasive.

Anterior Hip Replacement

When a surgeon approaches the hip from the front, the procedure is much less invasive because muscles and soft tissues are not cut into as they would be from a posterior procedure but it significantly limits the surgeon’s ability to see where they are working. These procedures are safe and come with minimal risks when performed by a highly experienced professional.

Determining The Right Hip Replacement Surgery For You

When you consult with an experienced surgeon, they will be able to go through the many details and factors of your condition in order to determine the best surgery for your situation. Even if the surgeon is highly experienced at performing minimally invasive anterior hip replacements, they may opt for a posterior hip replacement due to factors like age and weight, which can increase the risks associated with the alternative.

If you are suffering from severe or chronic hip pain, you should connect with a surgeon who can help you make sense of your situation and develop a plan to alleviate your pain. Taking corrective action can help increase your quality of life significantly and quickly.