The Ticktin Law Group

The Ticktin Law Group

Car Accident Truck Accidents Motorcycle Accident

Case types

Car Accident Truck Accidents Motorcycle Accident

All features from the law firm

About the law firm

Our lawyers are all told on hire that The Ticktin Law Group endeavors to live up to the ideals of the new lawyers who first graduate from law school. Most law students had dreams of becoming a lawyer before they started law school. They never imagined the pressures on them to exaggerate billing, to have a witness lie, to get nasty to opposing counsel or a judge. Unfortunately, these dreams are often dashed by the realities of the real world in many law firms. We maintain a level of professionalism and the pride which goes with it where we are unfaltering, as any deviation from our norm would stand out with repugnance. You need a law firm with the experience and know-how to devise creative solutions to your problems. A group of people who work diligently to make legal representation affordable. You need a lawyer that responds to your concerns and is attentive to your unique needs. If that sounds like you, then we are the lawyers you want between you and your problems.

The Ticktin Law Group Best Lawyers

Michael Vater

Michael Vater

Free Case Review


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