Coral Springs Workers Compensation Lawyers

When a work accident happens, injured workers are often worried about the cause of their medical care, lost wages, and how their families will stay comfortable as they recover from these injuries. When a serious work injury happens, you may need to recover compensation with a workers’ compensation claim. 

Coral Springs workers’ compensation lawyers are here to help. Our team at 1-800-Injured is here to support you and help you get in touch with a worker’s compensation lawyer who can help you recover from workplace injuries and recover benefits so that your focus can be on your health.

When Can I File for a Workers’ Compensation Claim? 

When you need workers’ compensation benefits, you may be worried that you are not eligible following a work injury. However, an injured worker does not have to suffer catastrophic injuries to be eligible. As long as you were injured in the scope of your job, and your employer is required to carry insurance, you may have grounds for a claim. 

Keep in mind that some injuries or illnesses may not be covered In certain cases. For example, if you were involved in a car accident on the way to work and suffered eye injuries, you may not be eligible for a claim. 

Likewise, workers’ compensation may not cover your medical bills if you contract the flu while working in a restaurant. However, medical workers may seek workers’ compensation when suffering illnesses they would not be in contact with otherwise. For example, a nurse who contracts a disease from a used needle may be eligible for benefits in Coral Springs.

Benefits for Coral Springs Workers 

Your Coral Springs workers’ compensation claim should include benefits that cover all your needs for recovery. A workers comp claim should provide medical care, wage replacement, and other benefits to the Coral Springs workers who need it. That includes death benefits for their families in case of a fatal accident. 

What benefits can you seek out? Your legal team can help you determine what you are due under Florida law following a workplace injury that results in injury and impairment.

Medical Benefits 

When you are injured on the job, your employer’s insurance company should cover the cost of your medical recovery. That includes transportation, surgeries, hospital stays, medication, and other medical care you may need because of your injuries.

If you believe the insurance company is not fairly covering these expenses, you may need legal counsel to help you gather evidence that your care is related to your work injury.

Wage Replacement 

Whether you are suffering a temporary disability that leaves you unable to work for a short time, or if you have suffered permanent impairment, you may need permanent or temporary disability payments that cover a portion of your lost wages. The benefits you receive can vary depending on your injury. For example, if you are completely unable to work in a long-term sense, you may be due permanent total disability benefits. 

In Florida, you may receive up to two-thirds of the wages you normally receive. The length of these benefits will depend on your injuries. A Coral Springs workers’ compensation lawyer can help you calculate the length of time your disability benefits may cover.

Death Benefits 

When a member of your household dies because of a work-related injury, you may be due death benefits that cover some of the costs and lost wages they have suffered. For example, you may have funds for funeral expenses and burial. 

You may also receive a portion of their average weekly wage depending on your relationship with the deceased. Spouses can seek this benefit until they remarry or until death. Children may receive these benefits until they reach age 18.

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Coral Springs Workers Compensation FAQ 

Following a serious work injury, you may know that you need workers comp benefits, but you may be unsure how to get them. Many employees lack the information they need about workers’ compensation and may struggle to get answers.

If you need help with your workers’ compensation claim, an attorney can guide you on the details specific to your case. If you are waiting for your appointment to arrive, you can also check out our frequently asked questions below.

Do I need a lawyer for a workers' compensation case in Florida?

While you are not required to have a work accident lawyer for your workers’ comp claim in Coral Springs Florida, they can help you get the workers’ compensation benefits you need following your workplace injury. Florida law can be complex, and as an employee, you may not have the same resources that an employer does. Because of this, having workers’ compensation lawyers on your side can help you get benefits.

How long can you be on workers comp in Florida?

FL workers’ compensation law allows for recovery from workplace accidents for 104 weeks maximum for temporary disability payments. If your work-related injuries have led to permanent disability, your benefits may last until death. The specifics of your case will depend on when you reach maximum medical improvement, so reach out to a law firm about your case and what you can expect from your workers’ comp benefits.

Who oversees Florida's workers' compensation system?

In Coral Springs FL, workers’ compensation claims are regulated by the Department of Financial Services Division of Workers’ Compensation. This department ensures that workers compensation laws are respected by employers, and it ensures you get a replacement for your wages and other benefits.

Connect with a Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Coral Springs 

Workers compensation claims can be difficult even in the best of times. When you are also juggling an injury and you need compensation, it can be overwhelming.  Fortunately, you do not have to handle your case without a worker’s compensation lawyer. 
If you are struggling to get the benefits you are due following a work accident, you can seek out a Coral Springs workers comp lawyer for your case. Our team at 1-800-Injured can help you get in touch with an attorney for your claim. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. All you have to do is call or fill out our online contact form.

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