Colorado Personal Injury Lawyer

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There are many types of cases that can result in a personal injury lawsuit in Colorado. The most common reason to file a personal injury lawsuit is because another driver injured you and causes property damage in a car accident. Approximately 4 million drivers in the United States are involved in traffic accidents each year. Thousands of these occur in Colorado. 

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In the state of Colorado, the most prevalent causes of car accidents are as follows:

Driver Negligence: Unquestionably, driver negligence stands out as the top reason for car crashes in Colorado, mirroring the trend across the entire U.S. In fact, national research indicates that roughly 94% of all car accidents in the country stem from human errors, encompassing negligent actions or misconduct by motorists. 

Some prevalent types of driver mistakes that lead to car accidents encompass:

  • Impaired driving, including instances of drunk or drugged driving, significantly elevating the risk of a collision by at least fourfold.
  • Distracted driving, which adversely affects drivers in a manner akin to alcohol impairment, creating perception issues and delayed reaction times.
  • Fatigued driving, primarily affecting commercial drivers, particularly those working under tight schedules.
  • Aggressive driving, which includes behaviors like tailgating, abrupt lane changes, and excessive speeding.
  • Careless or reckless driving, both of which essentially entail violations of traffic safety regulations.

Roadway Conditions: Insufficient traffic signs, malfunctioning intersection signals, faded or missing lane markers, and a lack of guardrails can all contribute to subpar roadway conditions and car accidents. In such instances, the responsible party for constructing and maintaining the road may be held liable, often involving government entities where shorter deadlines may apply.

Weather Conditions: Severe weather conditions like heavy snowfall, freezing rain, and adverse climate events frequently contribute to car accidents in Colorado.

Other Types of Personal Injury Lawsuits

That’s not to say a car accident is the only type of personal injury case, of course. Personal injury lawsuits encompass a wide range of cases beyond car accidents. Here are some other common types of personal injury lawsuits:

Slip and Fall Accidents: These cases arise when a person slips, trips, or falls on someone else’s property due to hazardous conditions, such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, or poorly maintained premises. Property owners and occupiers can be held liable for injuries sustained on their property.

Medical Malpractice: Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider’s negligence or substandard care leads to injury or harm to a patient. Cases may involve surgical errors, misdiagnoses, medication mistakes, or birth injuries.

Premises Liability: These cases involve injuries that occur on someone’s property due to unsafe conditions, such as inadequate security, faulty structures, or dangerous animals. Property owners can be liable for injuries sustained by visitors or guests.

Dog Bites: When a dog attacks and injures a person, the owner may be held responsible for the victim’s injuries. Some states have strict liability laws for dog bites, while others require proof of the owner’s knowledge of the dog’s aggressive behavior.

Contact 1-800-Injured to Move Forward

Pursuing a personal injury claim typically requires legal representation to navigate the complexities of the legal system. Contact 1-800-Injured, a medical and legal referral network, to connect with experienced professionals who can help you with your unique personal injury needs.