Uber Accident Statistics in Miami

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Oct 04, 2024

Uber Accident Statistics in Miami

A study by researchers at the University of Miami found that because of the limited public transit available in Miami-Dade County, transportation networking companies like Uber are improving people’s ability to get around South Florida.

Ridesharing services connect people with other people and businesses, providing another option for those who rely on public transportation. The researchers found that most Uber rides were concentrated along major thoroughfares in South Florida, like Interstate 95, Interstate 75, and the Palmetto Expressway, getting to and from the major airports in Miami and Fort Lauderdale.

What makes Uber appealing is not having to rely on a bus schedule or train schedule but having the convenience of calling a driver nearby to pick you up. However, despite the convenience and privacy of hiring Uber drivers for transportation, filing a claim after an auto accident involving Uber can be very complicated.

1-800-Injured is a lawyer and medical directory in Miami-Dade connecting the injured with an attorney within minutes. If you have suffered physical injuries in a Miami car accident and want to learn more about filing a claim for your damages, call 1-800-Injured. Our services are available throughout South Florida, from North Miami to Coral Gables.

Car accident victims may be eligible for compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and emotional distress. Sometimes statistics are used in personal injury cases to bolster a legal argument. Here are some statistics about car accidents and Uber accidents.

What Is The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles?

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles collects and analyzes data from traffic accidents reported in the state. This information is used by lawmakers, the media, and stakeholders interested in public safety. The FLHSMV also educates the public on how to drive safer. Your insurance company reports to them whenever you have canceled or removed a vehicle from your policy since they also monitor vehicle registrations in Florida. 

Much of the information provided to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for their annual reporting is from the Florida Highway Patrol and local police departments. The police don’t report whether Miami car accidents involve Uber or Lyft; they simply report traffic accidents. Too much is happening at the scene of a car accident to start asking questions like that, so the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles does not collect nor have any information specific to Uber drivers. 

However, statistics provided by Uber and other sources show how often car accidents happen in Miami and can shed light on tragic fatalities in the state.

Uber Accident Statistics

Although the US has experienced a decline in the rate of traffic fatalities since the 1980s, that decline halted and then reversed in 2014, the year that ridesharing apps like Uber became popular. Researchers found that ride-sharing was associated with a two to three percent increase in pedestrian and car accident fatalities from 2011 to 2016. 

The ridesharing company, Uber, had over 5 million drivers worldwide in 2021 and was completing an average of 17.4 million trips per day. In 2022, it generated $115 billion in gross bookings, which is a 27% increase year-on-year. In that same year, Uber drivers completed 7.6 billion trips, a 20.6% increase year-on-year. 

Uber accidents are likely when drivers feel pressure to speed to get more fares. Scanning sidewalks or curbs for fares can lead to distracted driving accidents. Because drivers connect with riders through an app, they are less focused behind the wheel.

What Florida Law Governs Motor Vehicle Accidents?

According to Florida Statutes 316.027 and 322.0261, you must not leave the scene of a motor vehicle accident if there are any injuries or property damage. Drivers who hit a pedestrian in Florida are required to stop no matter who is at fault for the crash, though it is usually the driver.

Anytime you are involved in a car crash, you must report the accident by calling 911. Then you should go to the nearest emergency room to get checked, and finally, talk to a personal injury attorney in Miami who focuses on car accidents. 

Miami Car Accident Statistics

In the last few years, more car accidents were reported in Miami-Dade County than any other county in Florida. Below are some Miami car accident statistics gathered by the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. 

So far in 2023, there have been 11,804 total crashes reported in Miami-Dade. These accidents resulted in:

  • 3,681 total injuries, resulting in 5,390 injured victims of accidents
  • 68 traffic fatalities from Miami crashes
  • 4,000 fatal hit and run car accidents and 8 hit and run fatalities
  • There were 241 motorcycle accidents, 179 bicycle accidents, and 387 pedestrian crashes

There has been a significant increase in the number of total accidents and fatalities in Miami-Dade and throughout the state. In 2022, there were 63,482 total crashes in Florida, causing 321 fatalities and 28,707 injuries. In 2021 there were 62,536 total crashes causing 352 fatalities and 28,706 injuries. 

The fatality rate represents the number of traffic accidents per 100,000 residents. The fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in Florida for 2020 was 1.60. Miami has a very high rate: at 8,345 car accidents per 100,000 residents, there is an  8.3 percent chance of getting into a car crash in Miami.

The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that car accidents cost approximately $241.9 billion in property damage across the country in the first half of 2021 alone.

Traffic in Miami

Why Do Car Accidents Occur?

Uber car accidents  and other car crashes are usually the result of negligence or recklessness. All road users are expected to use caution and care when operating a motor vehicle. 

Miami is the second-most populous city in the state of Florida. There are almost two million registered drivers in Miami, but figures from the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Administrator’s Office show that 665,307 have suspended licenses. Many of these drivers’ licenses are suspended for not paying fines, while others lost their licenses due to DUIs or having caused accidents previously. 

Poor Road Design

Miami car accidents can be caused by dangerous roads. US1, also known as Biscayne Boulevard, changes names and forks at some points, which can be confusing for tourists. Government entities are responsible for maintaining roads and traffic signals to be safe for drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and other road users. Low shoulders, blind curves, and other dangerous road designs can give rise to more injury crashes along a particular road.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving causes more accidents than other reasons. Examples of reckless driving are speeding, running red lights, driving on the sidewalk or shoulder, and fleeing from law enforcement. Reckless driving fell by five percent in 2020, but by 2021 it jumped 21.5% from 2019.

Drunk Driving

About 30% of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 g/dL or higher. Drinking slows a driver’s reaction time, muscle coordination, and reasoning, making them more likely to get involved in a crash. Drunk driving was to blame for 11,654 fatalities nationwide in 2020.

Dangerous Weather Conditions

Miami is known for fierce storms, but no matter the weather, all drivers are expected to use caution and prudence when driving. Drivers should avoid driving until storm conditions have cleared up. However, if that’s not possible, they are expected to drive slower and more cautiously.

Distracted Driving

Distracted drivers cause over 3,000 fatalities every year in the US. In 2021, 3,565 Florida drivers were sanctioned for texting and driving, an increase from 2,080 in 2019. Cell phones are the most distracting item a driver can have near them. Because Uber drivers use their phones to use the app to connect with riders, they’re more likely to be distracted and cause a crash.

Traffic Jam

Miami Car Crashes Involving Uber

Uber is one of the most popular ridesharing apps, followed by Lyft and other local programs. While they make it easy to get around, accidents involving Uber must be handled differently than accidents involving two private drivers. That’s because Uber drivers are independent contractors utilizing their vehicles for commercial use, so filing an insurance claim is a lot more complicated.

Most personal auto insurance policies do not cover Uber accidents unless the policyholder purchased a commercial rider. Uber has their own insurance if the driver’s insurance will not pay damages. A $1 million liability insurance policy applies when an accident happens, the Uber driver has the app activated, and is transporting passengers or on their way to pick them up.

Because these legal matters can be complex, you should speak with a seasoned and proven car accident attorney. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical directory that can connect you with a Miami car accident lawyer today. Call now to connect with an Uber accident lawyer.