Preventing Workplace Injuries: Practical Strategies for Employers

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Oct 04, 2024

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While workplace accidents are more common in high-risk industries, such as construction and manufacturing, accidents can happen in any setting. A worker who has a desk job in an office building can also get injured. This means employers need to take a proactive approach to preventing workplace injuries. They need to establish and implement strategies that provide a reasonably safe environment for their employees.

Why Is Workplace Safety Important?

Workplace safety is of paramount importance. Providing a safe environment for the workers helps boost productivity and employee morale. It enables the workers to focus on their job, and not worry about getting injured. 

This is especially true for industries that are at high risk for workplace injuries. If the workers’ mind is preoccupied with trying to keep themselves safe, they won’t be able to deliver their best at their job duties and responsibilities. In addition, reducing the number of accidents will help minimize employee absenteeism as injured workers often need some time off work to recover from the injuries. 

If a worker is injured at the workplace, they can be entitled to file for a workers’ compensation claim. Depending on the specific case, the claim can have legal implications and result in high costs for a business. Ensuring a safe work environment can help minimize the number of accidents and the number of workers’ compensation claims. Lastly, workplace safety helps protect the employment reputation of the business. The brand image or reputation of the business can take years to build, but a single incident can ruin it. This is especially true for cases where workplace accidents happen due to the negligence of the employer. 

Common Causes of Workplace Accidents

To establish strategies to prevent workplace injuries, you need to first understand the causes of such accidents. While there are several reasons for workplace accidents, there are some common causes. 

Slip and fall accidents often result in workplace injuries. These types of accidents can be caused by loose wires, slick surfaces, high-traffic corridors, and untreated ice and snow. Poor lighting or other low-visibility conditions can increase the risk of workplace accidents. It is worth noting that not all workplace injuries are a result of a single incident. In fact, repetitive motions can also cause injuries.

If your business requires labor-intensive work, then inadequate rest or dehydration of the workers can result in accidents. Exhaustion at work can result in dizziness, extreme fatigue, or lightheadedness, which can result in workplace accidents. Falling objects or lifting heavy weights can also result in injuries for employees. Other causes include inclement weather conditions, lack of training, chemical exposure, and electrocutions. 

Practical Strategies to Prevent Workplace Injuries  

There are numerous safety hazards that can lead to injuries in the workplace. Here are some practical strategies to prevent workplace injuries. 

Safety Training

One of the most effective ways to prevent injuries at the workplace is to train your employees on how to keep themselves safe. The safety training has to be tailored to your workplace. It should include how to identify safety hazards at work and what to do if they encounter such hazards. 

Not only is it important for the employees to protect themselves, they can also play a key role in protecting others by fixing the safety hazard or reporting the issue to the relevant authority. You can train your employees on your accident reporting procedure and how to access emergency equipment such as first aid kits and fire extinguishers. 

Physical Exams for Employees

For roles that are physically demanding, you can mandate regular physical exams of the workers. This will help identify any workers who are not in the physical health required for the role. Issues with vision, hearing, lung capacity, or strength can lead to workplace accidents 

Tough conditions at the workplace such as extreme temperatures can make it even tougher for the workers. If you have such working conditions, you may want to check employee workload and consider introducing policies for proper rest and hydration. Overexertion is not only dangerous for the employees, it can also result in poor productivity. Employers can work with the HR teams to review staffing and scheduling risks to workplace injuries

Regular Safety Audits 

Carrying out periodic safety audits or risk assessments can help minimize safety incidents at the workplace. The audit should include a comprehensive inspection of the entire site. This should include the equipment used by employees and accessibility for the disabled, pregnant, or older team members. The accident reports from the previous year should be reviewed to identify any issues that need to be addressed. New safety problems can crop up at any time, so regular safety audits are needed to prevent any accidents. 

The employees should be equipped with the proper safety gear and equipment based on their type of job. Protective equipment includes hard hats, globes, earplugs, eyewear, belts, and more. In addition, any charge or hard objects at the workplace should be covered to minimize the chances of injuries. 

Faulty machinery, forklift accidents, or auto accidents are common causes of serious injuries at the workplace. All vehicles and machinery need period inspection to ensure they meet minimum safety standards. In addition, routine maintenance services should be scheduled for all machinery and vehicles to keep them in good condition. 

Keep the Workplace Clean and Organized

Many workplace accidents happen due to exposed cords, floor debris, loose wires, and other issues that can be fixed by keeping the workplace clean and organized. You can promote a culture of cleanliness at the workplace so the employees take on the responsibility of keeping the work area clean and tidy. 

Any clutter or spills should be removed as soon as possible and exposed wiring or cords should be neatly tucked in place. To help facilitate a clean and organized workplace, employers should provide the employees with proper equipment and cleaning stations. 

Proper visibility can also help minimize safety incidents at the workplace. Employers can ensure all areas of the business premises have adequate lighting. This includes all entrances and exits, parking areas, and footpaths. If the employees work off-site during nighttime, they should be equipped with portable lighting equipment such as headlamps or spotlights. 

Warning System for Safety Hazards 

Some safety hazards do not have a quick fix. It can take days or weeks for an employer to fix the issue. What is important is that the employer has a warning system to alert all their employees about the safety hazard. The employer can also consider installing clear signage to warn their employees about the danger. 

The Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) requires businesses to post clear signage informing workers of any potential danger at the workplace. In addition, the employer can have a messaging or email system in place to quickly alert all employees about the safety hazard and to inform them of any actions that need to be taken. 

Employee Feedback 

While an employer can think of all the ways they can provide a reasonably safe environment to the employees, gathering employee feedback on this matter is critical. The employees might highlight an issue that the employer is not aware of. 

In some cases, employees might be reluctant to voice their concerns so employers need to help establish a culture where employees are not afraid to share their concerns. The employer can also consider having an anonymous suggestion box for safety concerns. 

Getting feedback from the employees will also allow all parties to set realistic expectations about the safety standards at the workplace. While the employer can facilitate safety, there is no guarantee that an injury won’t occur. The employee also has to stay vigilant in keeping themselves safe from safety hazards.  

Accident Analysis 

While the first priority of the employer should be to take a proactive approach to prevent safety incidents at the workplace, such incidents can still happen. If an accident has happened, the employer should carry out a complete analysis of why the accident happened and how such accidents can be prevented in the future. The analysis should help an employer develop an accident prevention plan for the identification of safety hazards, methods for record-keeping, training programs, and safety audits. 

How Can an Attorney Help Injured Victims?  

Even with all the safety precautions and policies at the workplace, employees can still get injured. In some cases, the injuries are serious and result in economic and noneconomic damages such as lost wages, medical bills, rehab expenses, loss of earning potential, and emotional trauma. 

If you suffered an injury at the workplace, consider getting in touch with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to learn about your rights as a worker and check if you can receive compensation for your injuries. A workers’ compensation attorney is well-versed in laws regarding injuries at the workplace. They can assess your case and offer their advice on your legal options. If you want, you can also hire an attorney to represent you in filing a claim or a lawsuit. 

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service.