Most Dangerous Times to Drive in Florida

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Car Accident Attorney

Oct 04, 2024

Driving At Night

It’s possible to be in a severe car accident at any time in Florida. However, certain times are more dangerous to drive than others. Unfortunately, Florida is one of the most dangerous states for driving at night. If you were in a night driving accident, contact a car accident attorney today by dialing 1-800-Injured to get legal assistance with your claim.

The Dangers Of Driving At Night In Florida

A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data study between 2017 and 2021 examined which states had the highest number of fatal accidents at night. Florida was the #3 most deadly state for night driving

  • In Florida 8,940 fatal accidents out of 15,300 accidents happened at nighttime from 2017 to 2021. 
  • 58% of all Florida car accidents in the study happened at night. 

The research also showed that Hawaii and California were the most dangerous states for nighttime driving. 

When Are The Most Hazardous Times To Drive In Florida? 

A study by the Florida Department of Highways Safety and Motor Vehicles reviewed data between 2017 and 2021 to discover the time and day when most fatal auto accidents occurred. Research showed that the most dangerous time to drive in Florida is 2 am, while Sunday is the most dangerous day. The study found that 693 people involved in accidents at approximately 2 am were in fatal accidents. Also, 3 am and 4 am were other dangerous times to drive in Florida. 

Furthermore, the study stated that the safest time to be on the road is at 8 am. There were only 338 fatal accidents in Florida during that time according to the study. 

According to the research study, Wednesday is the safest day to be behind the wheel. Only .3% of vehicle accident victims died that day. 

Researchers said that driving early morning and at night may offer less traffic and faster traveling. But traffic accidents during these times were still common, with tired and distracted driving likely contributing factors. 

Why Is Driving At Night More Dangerous In Florida? 

Research shows that driving during the night and early morning increases accidents. Here are several reasons why driving at these times can be more dangerous: 

Driver Fatigue

Human beings are usually awake during the day and asleep at night. Research shows that even if drivers sleep during the day, they still can be fatigued when driving at night. Fatigued Florida drivers are likelier to nod off behind the wheel, get lost or disoriented, or not see other traffic clearly. If you become tired when driving at night, pull over in a safe place immediately and rest. 

Bad Weather Conditions

Bad weather can happen anytime but can be more challenging to drive through at night. Rain and fog in Florida can reduce visibility to where other traffic and road obstacles are practically invisible. 

When driving in bad weather at night, turn on your wipers and reduce speed. If you still cannot see, pull over in a safe place until the weather clears. 

Reduced Visibility 

Drivers have reduced visibility at night, even in perfect weather conditions. You can only see a few hundred feet before you at night. So, slow down and be extra alert for other vehicles and obstacles in the road. 


Headlights on modern cars can be extremely bright, which improves driver visibility. However, a car approaching at night can blind the other driver and make it harder to see the road. All it takes is a second or two of being blinded by glare for a crash to occur. 

Headlight glare doesn’t just affect the driver’s ability to see and navigate. It can also affect their judgment and response times during emergencies. Intense headlight glare can lead to confusion and disorientation, which makes it harder for the driver to make fast decisions to avoid accidents. Drivers in all states should take additional precautions when traffic is approaching to avoid using their high beams. 

Drunk Or Drugged Driving

There are more impaired drivers on Florida roads at night. Driving in Florida is illegal if your BAC is .08% or higher. Also, avoid driving at night if you can to reduce the chances of an intoxicated driver hitting you. 


Florida has one of the most diverse ecosystems in the country, which residents and visitors enjoy. However, a vast population of alligators, deer, and other large wildlife can wind up on the roads, especially in rural areas. When it’s dawn or dusk, visibility may be lower, making potential wildlife collisions more common. 

If you’re in a nighttime driving accident in Florida, immediately alert first responders. Get medical attention for yourself and others who are injured. If you believe another party caused the accident, it’s wise to immediately retain a Florida car accident attorney. 

The attorney can review the accident evidence and your injuries and advise you about the strength of the case. Your no-fault auto insurance will likely cover your initial damages, but filing a lawsuit against the at-fault driver may be possible if you have severe injuries.

Police Car

Speak To A Florida Car Accident Attorney Now 

After a Florida car accident, you may be overwhelmed by severe injuries and pain. Working will also be out of the question. However, handling a severe auto accident claim or lawsuit alone is almost always disastrous. Instead, rely on a skilled, aggressive auto accident attorney to negotiate with the insurance company. Get started on your auto accident claim today by calling 1-800-Injured. You will be able to obtain compensation for your injuries and other losses if your case qualifies. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service.