Driving Laws in Foreign Countries

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Car Accident Attorney

Oct 04, 2024

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When driving in foreign countries, you have to learn to drive stick, drive on the other side of the road, or through smaller streets than you are used to. At the same time, you have to deal with other laws that are completely new to you. Here are nine strange laws to watch out for when driving in new places.

Drink and drive? Not a problem in Costa Rica.

As long as you’re sober enough to drive, Costa Rican police won’t mind pulling up next to you sipping on a beer while cruising. Just don’t let your blood alcohol level pass 0.75%, that will get you in jail. Better stick to water.

Don’t eat while driving in Cyprus.

Whether you’re eating a couple fries or just getting your gallon of water in for the day, it’s not O.K. to do it behind the wheel in Cyprus.

Better keep your car clean in Russia.

A dirty car will cost you 2,000 rubles in Russia. That’s about $57- it won’t break the bank, but it’s an unnecessary expense.

Don’t run out of gas in Germany.

Running out of gas is pretty irritating as it is. But on Germany’s Autobahn, they make sure you feel even worse for letting it happen. Unnecessary stops on the Autobahn are illegal. Running out of gas is considered unnecessary because it could have been avoided. The conclusion that you may not run out of gas on the Autobahn in Germany.

Always have your glasses ready for Spain.

Spain enforces drivers who have prescription lenses to keep a spare pair of glasses in their car at all times.

Never drive without your headlights on in Sweden.

The first thing to do when entering a vehicle in Sweden is to turn on the headlights. It’s illegal to drive without headlights, even in June, when the sun never sets. You must have your headlights on at all times while operating a moving vehicle.

BYOB in France.

Bring Your Own Breathalyzer. In France, drivers are required to carry their own breathalyzer kit in their vehicle. The fine for not having one is just €11, but the ticket for driving under the influence will hit harder.

It doesn’t matter who is drunk in Japan.

Don’t let anyone get in the car if they’ve been drinking. In Japan, all riders are in trouble for letting a drunk driver operate a vehicle, whether the passengers are sober or not.

Don’t take your hands away from the wheel in Cyprus.

Keep your hands to your wheel- it’s illegal to lift your hands away from your wheel while driving in Cyprus.

If you or someone you know had been in an accident due to a bizarre series of events, call us at 1-800-Injured. We’ll get you in touch with experienced car accident attorneys who can get you the compensation you deserve.