Are Men or Women More Likely to Be In a Car Accident?

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Car Accident Attorney

Oct 04, 2024

Are Men or Women More Likely to Be In a Car Accident?

According to long-term studies, men are more likely to be involved in car accidents, whether they are fatal or not. What are the driving factors behind these statistics? What specifics can we pull from this general statement?

Take a look below at some of these interesting statistics to get a better sense of whether men or women are more likely to be involved in, cause, or be injured in car accidents, and contact 1-800-Injured right away to connect with an attorney for a free consultation about your unique accident. 

1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service, connecting accident victims with the help they need. Gender has no bearing on whether or not you deserve compensation after a crash, and your attorney will fight to get you the money you are entitled to.

Car Accidents by Gender Breakdown

We aren’t going to bury the lede here — men are more likely to be involved in car accidents across the board. Men are more likely to be involved in drunk driving car accidents, more likely to be involved in speeding car accidents, and are more likely to be involved in fatal crashes. The statistics don’t lie — men are disproportionately involved in car accidents of all types. 

However, the gap between men and women in car accidents has steadily closed in the past 30 years due to several factors. And surprisingly, women are more likely to suffer injuries in an accident compared to men in the same crash due to things like body and muscle mass.

There are a variety of theories as to why it is the case that men are so much more likely to be involved in a car accident.

One theory is that men are more likely to take risks when they are behind the wheel. This could manifest itself in speeding, driving under the influence, or other dangerous behaviors. However, this theory is subjective because there is little correlation to hard data. So what other ideas are out there?

Another theory — which the numbers can back — posits that men are simply more likely to be driving than women, whether that’s for work, travel, or leisure. Statistically, American men clock more miles on the road than women each year. They have a higher chance of being involved in an accident simply because they are on the road more. 

In fact, according to a study by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration, men drive roughly 38% more miles each year than females — a gap that is more or less consistent across each age bracket. When the data is normalized for this gap in miles driven, men are still more likely to be involved in car accidents but with a much smaller difference.

It’s important to recognize that the gap in average annual miles does not mirror the gender breakdown of licensed drivers in the United States. According to the Federal Highway Administration, the gender difference is close to a 50/50 split.

For decades, popular culture happily leaned into the warrantless trope that women were bad drivers, but a close inspection of the data tells a different story entirely.

Data from the National Vital Statistics System, as compiled by the Center for Disease Control, has found that “Among males, differences in the rates by age group diminished over time; by 2019, the rate for males aged 15–24, the group with the highest rate in 1999, was lower than the rate for males aged 25–64 and 65 and over. Among females, rates for all age groups decreased from 1999 through 2019.” 

This quote from the CDC does not address specific causes for the gap but does show that young men, aged 15 to 24, are involved in fewer car accidents now than they were 10 to 15 years ago. This trend can be attributed to a combination of factors, including safety features in vehicles and better driver’s education programs across the nation.

In 2020, men were more than twice as likely to be involved in a fatal car accident where speeding was a major factor. In the same year, men were 11 times more likely to be killed in a drunk driving accident. It’s hard to ignore this fact while speculating that men — young men in particular — may be more inclined to take risks than women of any age group.

Male or Female, an Attorney Can Help Victims After a Car Accident

If you have been in a car accident, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney. An attorney can help you understand your rights and options and can help you get the compensation you deserve. Men in the highest-risk age group of 18 to 25 are likely to be stereotyped during an accident claim and could find themselves facing a difficult claims process.

Insurance companies are quick to leverage national statistics and averages against victims, and young men pay substantially more for the same car insurance when compared to women in their age group based on decades of risk assessment. This group of drivers will find it nearly impossible to successfully argue their case, especially if the cause of the crash is not clear from the start.

Call 1-800-Injured to be connected with an experienced car accident attorney today. 1-800-Injured is a medical and legal referral service that can put you in touch with a proven lawyer for a free consultation. You will have the opportunity to discuss your situation in detail and get a better understanding of what the future may hold for your claim.