Wyoming Personal Injury Lawyer

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If you’re injured in Wyoming, whether you’re a resident or were visiting the state for vacation, you must file your personal injury case in Wyoming. This means it is beneficial for you to learn some basics of Wyoming laws, rules, and regulations. A Wyoming personal injury lawyer can tell you more details, particularly when it comes to how these laws apply to your unique situation, but this list is a fantastic jumping off point:

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Laws that Apply to Personal Injury Cases in Wyoming

Statute of Limitations: In Wyoming, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases typically allows an injured party two years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit. This means you generally have two years to initiate legal action, or you may lose your right to seek compensation.

Comparative Negligence: Wyoming follows a modified comparative negligence system. This means that if you are partially at fault for the accident that caused your injuries, your compensation may be reduced proportionally to your degree of fault. If your fault exceeds 50%, you may not be eligible for any compensation.

Caps on Damages: Wyoming does not have statutory caps on economic or non-economic damages in personal injury cases. Economic damages cover tangible losses like medical bills and lost wages, while non-economic damages include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

No-Fault Insurance: Many personal injury cases arise from a car accident. Wyoming is not a no-fault insurance state, which means that injured parties generally have the right to pursue a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company without meeting a threshold for serious injury.

Dog Bite Law: Wyoming follows a “one bite” rule, which means that a dog owner may be held liable for injuries caused by their dog if they were aware of the dog’s aggressive tendencies or had prior knowledge of the dog’s dangerous behavior.

Premises Liability: Property owners in Wyoming have a duty to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition. This applies to everything from cleaning up a spill to making sure the sidewalk isn’t too icy. If someone is injured on another person’s property due to negligence, they may be able to pursue a premises liability claim.

Dram Shop Laws: Wyoming has dram shop laws that can hold bars, restaurants, and other alcohol-serving establishments liable for injuries caused by patrons who were served alcohol to the point of intoxication.

These are some key aspects of personal injury laws in Wyoming. Please keep in mind that personal injury laws can be complex, and the specific circumstances of your case will greatly affect how these laws apply. It is advisable to consult with an experienced Wyoming personal injury lawyer  if you are considering pursuing a personal injury claim in the state to get tailored legal advice and guidance. If you’re unsure how to find one, contact 1-800-Injured. We are a medical and legal referral network and can connect you to an attorney who is able to handle your case.