Minimally Invasive Disc Removal Surgery in Florida

Disc removal

Discs perform an important function by providing support and stability between vertebrae and keeping pressure off of the nerves running through the area, but damage to a disc can lead to myriad problems that result in chronic and severe back pain. When people think of disc surgery, they are quick to imagine a significantly invasive procedure with massive incisions and extended recovery times, but this is not always the case as surgical technology advances. 

When physical therapy and medication have failed for pain management with back problems, the next step is often spinal surgery. A microendoscopic discectomy is a minimally invasive and highly productive surgery that has helped countless sufferers get back to their life without ongoing pain.

Understanding Microendoscopic Discectomies

This type of procedure removes a portion of the affected disc in order to alleviate pressure on the nerves, and can be done with minimally invasive techniques using a small tube known as an endoscopic tube. This tube houses a camera and allows for small surgical instruments to be inserted through it, meaning that there is only the need for an incision large enough to accommodate the tube itself. In the past, surgeons would need to use an incision wide enough to allow them to see without a camera, but this is no longer the case. 

There are many benefits to a microendoscopic discectomy. It is a much less painful procedure than traditional surgeries with large incisions through muscle and soft tissue, and the recovery process from this surgery is fairly quick. When there are more incisions there is more of an area that requires care throughout the recovery, but with these types of procedures, a patient can often leave the hospital on the same day. However, some may need to stay for a night or two for observational purposes. 

One of the major benefits of this procedure is that the patient will not require a spinal fusion once the problem disc is addressed. When a full disc is removed, the surgeon will then need to fuse the surrounding vertebrae together in order to provide additional support that the disc once provided, but since only a small part of the disc is removed in this procedure there is still enough left to provide adequate support. 

Safety Risks of Microendoscopic Discectomies

Minimally invasive surgeries offer greater safety, but with any invasive procedure, there will always be a risk of things like infection, nerve damage, blood clotting or loss, allergic reactions to anesthetics, or additional herniations of the disc. However, working with an experienced and thorough medical team and following your recovery plan can help to reduce the possibility of these risks even more. 

When living with chronic back or neck pain caused by herniated discs, these risks often pale in comparison to the chance to alleviate the pain and get back to a normal and productive life as soon as possible. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service that can connect you with an experienced and certified professional in your area. 

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