Coral Springs Slip and Fall Lawyers

Slip and fall accidents can be more dangerous than they appear. Fall injuries may be devastating, and for some, they can be deadly. Worse, you may have difficulty filing a personal injury claim against the responsible party when you are recovering from these injuries. 

If you have suffered from a slip and fall accident, you may have grounds to contact Coral Springs slip and fall lawyers to help you through this difficult time. At 1-800-Injured, we offer the tools to connect with an attorney who can help you file a slip and fall case and can guide you through the personal injury claims process. Reach out when you are ready to speak with a qualified personal injury attorney in Coral Springs.

Common Slip and Fall Accident Injuries 

Many people think a minor fall could not be too serious. Unfortunately, falls can lead to serious injuries that can impact your overall health. But I was just a short list of the many injuries you can suffer following a slip and fall accident in Coral Springs

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Other head injuries 
  • Internal bleeding 
  • Neck injuries 

A fall injury can lead to serious consequences, from medical bills to permanent impairment. For example, a bump on the head may not seem so serious at first, but a concussion can have ongoing effects on your cognitive ability. Even a mild brain injury can lead to memory loss, problems with your fine motor skills, and mood swings.

Because of this, fall victims may have grounds for personal injury cases that help them pursue compensation for the other party’s negligence that led to such an accident. Getting compensated when you are seriously injured like this is vital, so do not hesitate to seek help for the injuries you have suffered.

Liability for a Slip and Fall Accident 

One of the first things slip and fall lawyers will determine is liability for your injury. Determining who is at fault for your accident can help you determine who should provide the financial compensation that helps you overcome the injuries suffered.

If you have any doubts about who is liable for your injuries, reach out to a slip and fall lawyer before you file your personal injury lawsuit. Your attorney can help you through the process of filing your slip and fall accident claim and can help you through many other parts of the legal process.

Property Owners Are Often to Blame 

Typically, the fault lies on the property owner. Property owners are responsible for maintaining safe conditions on their property. When they fail to address dangerous conditions, it can lead to significant injuries for you.

Even if an employee is technically responsible for the dangerous condition that led to a trip and fall, the responsible party is typically still the property owner because the owners are responsible for any hiring and training for the site. Their employees are their responsibility.

What If I Am Injured on Government Property? 

Some slip and fall accident claims involved government property. You may have slipped in a government building, leading to serious injury, or you may have been outside on public property. In these cases, you may need to file a claim as the injured person against the government. This can be intimidating, but a personal injury attorney can guide you through this process. 

One of The first concerns for your slip and fall accident lawyers Is the change in time limits. Government claims typically have a shorter statute of limitations and requirements for a notice of claim. That means you have a short time to notify the local government that you are planning to suit. Injury victims may need guidance for me slip and fall attorney following their fall incident for a chance to recover compensation.

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

When you are hurt in a slip and fall accident, your first step is to seek immediate medical attention. The injury sustained may be more serious than you think, and getting medical attention creates medical records that can help you build evidence. 

Your evidence may also include witness statements and incident reports. Creating a record that your injury occurred can help a legal professional build a strong case to help you see compensation. This can even be done at the accident scene. 

Seeking help from local law offices can also make a difference. Florida law can be complex, and it can be difficult to juggle your slip and fall injury during this time. Your attorneys believe you deserve compensation and have the tools to guide you through the South Florida courts.

Compensation for a Slip and Fall Accident 

When filing an injury claim, the injured party may be due compensation for their suffering. That compensation is decided by your damages, both economic and non-economic. These damages should cover the financial, emotional, and mental suffering you have experienced because of your accident.

Below is a sample of the compensation you may be due following a slip and fall accident: 

  • Medical expenses for your medical treatment 
  • Lost wages 
  • Loss of future wages 
  • Emotional distress 
  • Mental anguish

Calculating the value of a slip and fall accident can be difficult. You may have future expenses you have not yet experienced, or you may not have the tools to determine the value of your intangible damages. If you are struggling to get these answers, an attorney can guide you through this process and help you get the answers you need.

Do I Need a Slip and Fall Attorney? 

Slip and fall cases can be complex, and you may not have the tools to handle that case. When that happens, it can leave you without the compensation you are due for your suffering. An attorney can provide legal representation, from the filing process to gathering evidence, to representing you in the courtroom.

If you are concerned about the cost of seeking out sleep slip and fall attorneys, note that most work on a contingency fee basis. That means you will pay an agreed-upon percentage of your compensation, not a flat rate. This also means that, if your case is not a success, you do not have to pay anything.

Caution Safety Sign

Coral Springs Slip and Fall FAQ 

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, you may be struggling to get the answers you need following your accident. Your injuries may be severe, and you may not have legal experience. That leaves you juggling complex situations, which can lead to diminished compensation. 

Because of this, it is vital to speak with an attorney about your case before you file. Your attorney can help you answer case-specific questions as well as general questions about the legal process, including questions like those below. Do not hesitate to reach out for help getting the answers you need when you are injured, suffering, and in need of compensation.

How do you win a slip and fall case in Florida?

Winning a personal injury case depends on the details of your specific claim. Generally, you need strong evidence, powerful witness statements, and an attorney who is prepared to create an aggressive defense for your case. While the specifics can change, preparing these things can help you maximize your compensation.

How long will my personal injury claim take?

The length of your personal injury claim will vary depending on the details of your case. For example, the at-fault party may be willing to settle in your favor, meaning your claim may be handled in a matter of months. In other cases, it can take years to settle a claim. What matters is that your attorney can be by your side throughout your claim.

Can I be partly at fault for my slip and fall accident?

Unfortunately, the at-fault party may try to blame you for your injuries. The at-fault party may claim you were not paying attention, causing the accident. Accepting the blame for slip and fall incidents can lead to a reduction in the compensation you receive. Because of this, your attorneys may build an aggressive defense in your favor to help you maximize the compensation you should receive.

Call a Coral Springs Slip and Fall Attorney 

Slip and fall accidents can happen suddenly, without warning, and lead to catastrophic injuries. You may be struggling for years to recover from a traumatic brain injury or spine injury caused by your fault. Worse, the at-fault party may do everything in their power to avoid pain for your recovery. That can leave you paying out of pocket for the suffering you have experienced. Fortunately, you do not have to fight back alone. 

At 1-800-Injured, we strive to connect injury victims to the Coral Springs slip and fall lawyers they need on their side. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service.When you have been seriously injured in a slip and fall accident, you may have grounds for the compensation you need to recover. Your lawyer can guide you through this process, starting with a free consultation. To learn more about our services and how we can guide you, reach out by calling or completing our online contact form.