How to Win a Left Turn Accident Case

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Car Accident Attorney

Oct 04, 2024

How to Win a Left Turn Accident Case

When people hear about left-turn accidents, it is almost automatically assumed that the left-turning driver caused the accident. In many cases, this is true, but not always. If you have been in a car accident that you believe someone else caused, but you were turning left at the time of the crash, it is absolutely essential that you hire an experienced car accident lawyer to protect your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Here’s how to protect yourself after a left turn accident, and improve your chances of winning the case:

Call 911

It’s important that you call 911 as soon as possible to make sure that you get the medical care you need, but this isn’t the only reason to call. It’s also beneficial so that you can convey the facts of the accident to the attending police officer, who can then disseminate this information in their accident report.

It’s common for drivers to feel uncomfortable about calling 911, especially if the other driver is asking them to handle it directly without involving the police, but this leaves the door open for the at-fault driver to change their story after the fact. In something as heavily skewed as a left hand turn accident, it’s important that you contact the police to make sure that the automatic bias against you is not further supported by a lack of official evidence to the contrary.

To avoid putting your word against theirs, call 911 and let the police handle it.

Gather Evidence

In order to win your case, you will need to gather evidence that supports your claim that the other driver was at fault. This might include the police report, photos of the accident scene, witness statements, and your own medical records.

You should also take pictures and video of the accident scene, including any damage to your vehicle and the other driver’s vehicle. Talk over the video and give a step-by-step recounting of the situation. No matter how clear and vivid the information about your accident is in your mind, it will almost certainly fade over time. Recording it immediately will help to preserve this critical evidence.

If there are any eyewitnesses to the crash, get their side of the story at the scene of the accident. Just like your memory will fade, so will theirs. Even if you get their contact information, you may find that they are difficult to get in touch with when you need to follow up. Talk to them at the scene, record their statements, and be sure to get their contact information. Encourage them to stick around until police arrive to provide their perspective on the accident report, as well.

Convey the Facts

There are a lot of things that a driver can do to cause or contribute to a crash when another car is turning left. If the oncoming driver was speeding, had their turn signal on even though they continued straight, cut a stop sign or a red light, made the left turn on a yellow light, or perhaps didn’t have their headlights on at night, these are all important details to make sure are recorded in the police report.

If the officer cites the other driver for some sort of unsafe driving, this will help your case even further as you try to defend yourself and seek the compensation you deserve. It’s important to remember when you are discussing the cause of an accident that you never admit fault or suggest that you may have been partially responsible. Insurance companies will use an apology as evidence of guilt, and even suggesting possible actions you could have taken to avoid the crash will almost certainly be used against you. When you are talking to the police, stay factual and talk about what the other driver was (or was not) doing.

Hire an Experienced Left-Turn Accident Attorney

If you want to win your case, it’s important to have a knowledgeable and experienced attorney on your side. Car accident lawyers will be able to navigate the complexities of the legal system, help you gather evidence, and ultimately fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

For something as tricky as a left turn (or double left turn) crash, where the automatic assumption is that the left-turning driver caused the crash, partnering with experienced legal representation is almost essential. The world of insurance claims and tort law is complicated even in the most straightforward situations, and when you add in the possible defenses that the other driver might have, it becomes even more difficult.

An attorney can help you understand your rights, build a strong case, negotiate with insurance companies, and if necessary, take your case to trial. If you have been in a left hand turn accident and are looking for legal assistance, contact an attorney as soon as possible.

Understanding Pure Comparative Negligence

In some states, if you are found to be even partially at fault for an accident, you may be barred from receiving any compensation at all. In a majority of states, including Florida, the concept of “pure comparative negligence” is used, which allows accident victims to recover damages even if they are partly to blame for the crash.

In a left-turn accident, pure comparative negligence leaves room for the possibility that both drivers may have contributed to the crash, which can be a relief, but is also something that the insurer is likely to use to their advantage — especially in a situation where it is so easily assumed that the left-turning driver either entirely caused the crash or contributed to it the most. If this is not the case, such as if the other driver did not have their headlights on, then it’s important for you to work with an attorney who is willing to fight it out with the insurer and make sure that you are not held liable for anything that you did not do.

Contact 1-800-Injured Today

1-800-Injured is a lawyer and medical referral service that can help you find the right car accident attorney for your case. If you or someone you love has been injured in a left-turn accident, contact us today for a free consultation.