Common Tricks Insurance Adjusters Use

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Car Accident Attorney

Oct 04, 2024

Insurance adjuster

When you’ve been injured in an accident and need to file an insurance claim, it can be difficult to know what to expect from the process. Many people aren’t familiar with how insurance companies work, so they may not realize that the adjusters handling their claims often seek ways to settle for less than the victim deserves. Remember that insurance companies and company employees focus primarily on protecting the business’ financial interests, not on ensuring that claimants are fairly compensated for all of their damages.

In this post, we’ll look at some common tricks that adjusters use to settle insurance claims for less than their claimants deserve. While you can never guarantee that your claim will be successful or get the compensation you’re entitled to, being aware of these strategies can help empower you to advocate more effectively on your own

Do You Recognize These Tactics In Your Own Claims Process?

These professionals use some common tricks to push claimants into accepting lower settlements. By being aware of these tactics, you can protect yourself against them and increase your chances of getting a fair settlement. Some of the most common tactics used by insurance adjusters include:


This is perhaps the most commonly used technique by insurance companies, as it involves offering an initial settlement that is much lower than what the victim deserves. The hope is that the claimant will be so desperate for money that they’ll accept whatever is offered without realizing that they could potentially get more. Countless claimants receive far less than what they deserve because they can’t imagine that they are owed multiples more than the offer an adjuster will make.

Delaying Tactics

Another common tactic used by insurance companies is to intentionally delay the claims process in hopes that the claimant will eventually give up and accept a lowball offer out of frustration. As bill collectors start contacting a victim to recover debts — especially if they are out of work or earning less because of their injuries — taking a one-time settlement can seem like your best option if the proper channels take longer than you have. Fortunately, your personal injury attorney can help you deal with your debts as you work towards a settlement that you rightfully deserve.

Use of Intimidation

Some adjusters may try to intimidate claimants into accepting a low settlement by threatening to deny their claim or cancel their policy if they don’t agree to it. When confronted with countless legal documents with impenetrable concepts, it is easy for someone dealing with injuries to become overwhelmed. Adjusters know that this is an effective way to essentially bully someone into accepting a one-time settlement that will leave them struggling to handle the financial impacts of someone else’s negligent or reckless behavior that caused an accident.

Making False Promises

In some cases, an adjuster may falsely promise a higher settlement if the claimant agrees to accept a lower one or signs a waiver that accepts substantial or even full liability. This is known as “bait and switch” and is illegal and highly unethical. If you are working with an adjuster who is making you any sort of guarantee — or suggestions of a guarantee — this is a sure sign that you will benefit from hiring an experienced personal injury attorney right away. Do not take any of their statements at face value unless you have signed documentation, and even then, working with a lawyer who can review your offer is a good idea before signing anything.

Refusing To Give A Straight Answer

Some insurance adjusters may try to avoid giving a claimant a direct answer in hopes that they won’t pursue their claim or won’t be able to afford an attorney. While it is true that some car accident victims in Miami will be able to pursue their claim without an attorney, this is generally not the best course of action. Adjusters know that most people don’t understand the law or how to navigate the often-complex claims process, so they will often take advantage of this by avoiding giving a direct answer to any questions.

Taking Advantage Of A Claimant’s Inexperience

In some cases, an insurance company may try to settle for less than what the victim deserves by taking advantage of the fact that they may not be fully aware of all the damages they’ve incurred. For example, they may try to get a claimant to sign off on a release before they’ve had a chance to consult with a car accident attorney or fully understand the extent of their injuries. Even if the insurance company makes you an offer that you believe is compelling, it is in your best interest to consult with a personal injury lawyer who can review the offer and provide you with the next steps.

How To Combat These Tactics

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re being pushed into accepting a low settlement offer from an insurance company, it’s important to remember that you do have rights. By being aware of these common tactics insurance adjusters use, you can fight back against them and increase your chances of getting the full and fair settlement you deserve.

In addition to being familiar with common tricks insurance adjusters use, it can also be helpful to consult with an attorney who specializes in personal injury claims. A knowledgeable legal professional can offer valuable guidance and support throughout the claims process and help ensure that your rights are protected at all times. Whether negotiating a higher settlement or filing a lawsuit if necessary, they will fight hard to get you the full amount of compensation you are entitled to under the law.

1-800-Injured Is Here To Help

Contact 1-800-Injured as soon as possible to be connected with a personal injury attorney for a free consultation. 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. Instead of going through the process of reaching out to law firms and requesting your own consultations while trying to manage your injuries and focus on recovery, we will handle this step on your behalf.